chapter 3

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( 15 years later)

Chief's p.o.v.

Not much has changed, nor happened. I've trained Sparta in our way of fighting, plus even coming up with our own way.

I ditched my armor, setting it to self-destruct. The only thing I now have from it is my number. Sitting at our cave, Sparta listens to the story of how I came to have her. "So Daddy, who are you." She asks. "I'm the leader of the Spartans, plus of blue team." I say. I hear a roar of an engine, Sparta and me go to the cave.

I watch as a Pelican goes into a nose dive, but it doesnt come out. "Daddy, they'll crash." Sparta says and sure enough, it does. I also notice that pods ejected from it, but only five. They land in the clearing five hundred yards away.

"Come on, let's go help them." I say, we take off, running at eighty kilometres.


Kicking my pod open, I step out. Fred is looking at the tree line, I look. Will, Kurt,and Linda break their pods open as two figures run at us. Me and Fred shoulder our weapons, the figures stop.

The taller one, two and a half meters tall rise its hands, one with a palm down.
That's the signal for friendly, Spartan friendly. The littler one does the same as an all too familiar whistle rings out

The taller figure walks out, I almost faint as we see the very leader that we all thought was dead.
Master chief

The next chapter will be blue team reunion

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