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AJ:"So, you think they found anyone?"

CJ:"Doubt it. Let's go."

AJ:"So tonight, the main event will be the Wyatt Family vs The Shield."

CJ:"And this will be a tables match and probably a handicap match."

Randy comes out and stands with them.

Randy:"I'm their partner."

CJ:"Wow, didn't know you wanted to get your ass kicked. But that's none of my business. That's why I'm done with you."

Randy:"You'll come back, they always do."

Dean:"Didn't you hear her say she wouldn't. This is pointless. We will win tonight and show why we are the best." They leave.

CJ:"I can not believe that asshole."

AJ:"It's fine. The Wyatt's will beat their asses anyway and-"

Seth:"Wouldn't be nice, if the board of directors hear you two purposely picking sides."

CJ:"How about you get the fuck out of our office."

Dean:"You curse a lot for a person in a place of authority, you know that?"

CJ:"Shut up."

Dean:"We were thinking that sense you guys are probably going to do such a great job, we invited Stephanie to come and see how-"

CJ:"Ooh, nice. Setting us up so you can get your jobs back, cute."

Dean:"I don't like being interrupted, bitch."

CJ:"And I don't like dealing with bitches like you."

Dean grabs my hair roughly. He whispers in my ear.

Dean:"I need to find you alone, because it is taking everything I have to not fuck you on this desk." He pushes me back.

AJ:"Now, get out."

They leave and Dean winks at me out the door.


The Shield and Randy Orton vs The Wyatt Family

Tables match

(Skip match)

Randy goes for an RKO, and I grab his leg.

Randy:"What the hell are you doing!" Luke and Erick take him out. Braun puts him through a table and I laugh.

AJ:"Good job."

CJ:"I fucking hate him! Maybe I'm crazy, but he was so "into me" and then this. Was he just trying to make me mad, jealous? See if I care? Cuz I don't."

AJ:"Calm down, he doesn't matter."

CJ:"Or is that what he wants me to think?"

Dean:"AJ, get out."

AJ:"This is my office, you can't tell me what to do!"

Dean kisses me roughly and grabs my waist. I push him off a bit.

CJ:"I am fucking pissed right now, and now in the mood for your shit." He slides his hand down my pants and starts rubbing my clit slowly. He leans over me.

Dean:"You sure babe? You're already wet."

CJ:"Mmh, I want you."

AJ:"Ew, I'm leaving."

She slams the door behind her.

Dean sits me on the desk, and runs his fingers through my hair.

Dean:"You know I actually like you."

CJ:"Then why are you such an ass?"

Dean:"Maybe, I just have a funny way of showing it."

CJ:"Then show me in a different way."

Dean kisses me softly and pulls me closer by my waist.

Stephanie:"AJ, CJ, I just wanted to- okay. We'll talk about this next week, CJ." Stephanie leaves.

CJ:"Well, guess you're probably getting your job back." He laughs, and I lay my head on his chest. He kisses my forehead.

Dean:"How about we go to the hotel?"

We go to his car and drive to the hotel. He takes me to his room.

Dean:"You know for someone that constantly bitched at me, you're being pretty nice."

CJ:"Scared I'm gonna punch you in the face or something?"

Dean kisses me softly. I put my arms around his neck, and he pulls my hair. The kiss becomes rougher, and I take my top off. He lifts me up and lays me on the bed...

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