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I skip down to the ring with AJ.

CJ:"I don't know why I just can't be anything here, without those stupid GM's getting in my way. Like, is part of they're job description to get in my business."

AJ:"I don't see why these idiots here, seem to just love them so much. They are so annoying, so stupid and so just...UGH!"

Cameron:"Can y'all please shut the hell up!! No body cares about-" I slap her and throw her out of the ring.

AJ:"Dean, Roman, Seth get out here."

Dean:"First of all, ladies. You can't just Attack people like that and why don't you just admit that you guys are in love with us."

AJ:"I hate you so much."

Roman:"What about your sister? I'm sure she'd love if I would just strip her d-"

CJ:"No, stop talking."

Dean:"I love how we can make you squirm so easily."

CJ:"Look, there really is no use teasing me, if you claim to already know that I want you."

Seth:"Oh, we weren't trying to tease you, baby."

Randy comes out and grabs a mic. Before he can say anything, I kiss him aggressively. He kisses me back and I pull away after a minute. I smile at The Shield. They glare at me and him. Me and AJ skip to the top of the stage.

Roman:"You just gonna kiss him and then leave him."

Dean:"You're such a pretty little tease."

They attack him. Roman spears him, Seth hits the Blackout, and Dean hits dirty deeds. They hit a triple powerbomb. Me and AJ go backstage.

AJ:"So what was that all about?"

CJ:"Just a little plan to expose The Shield. I know they like me."

AJ:"So you don't like them?"

CJ:"No, I mean they're hot, and sexy. But that's it."

AJ:"Here's come Randy, good luck with that."

I smile at Randy.

CJ:"How are you feeling, Randy?"

Randy:"A little banged up, but I'm good."

CJ:"That's great."

Randy:"Why did you kiss me?"

CJ:"Because you're so sexy, and I've been dying to kiss you." Randy kisses me.

Randy:"Alright, darling. I know you're just trying to get to The Shield, but since I like you, I'll help you."

I hug Randy.


Randy:"So basically we just have to kiss and act all lovely and stuff."

CJ:"Pretty much, but at least you're a good kisser."

Randy:"Why, thank you." He takes a bow and I laugh.

CJ:"You're such a dork."

Randy:"I have a match in a few."

CJ:"Alright, let's go."

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler

(Skip match)

Randy hits the RKO and wins. I kiss him and he grabs a mic.

Randy:"The Shield may talk a big game, but they are nothing, but a bunch of cowards. They attack me 3 on 1, for what? To try to win over a girl. A girl that they could never get. She is way too hot and smart, to ever be with any one of you." Randy kisses me and The Shield's theme hits.

Dean:"We've not doing this to get to her, even though. I'd love to do some things to her."

Seth:"We don't like you, Randy. We're sick of how you walk around here, like you're so great just because you're 3rd generation."

Roman:"I'm sure she would much rather be with one of us, than you. We all know that we can do way more things for her than you can."

CJ:"How about you three leave, because we really don't need any 3 on 1 attack now do we?"

Seth:"I'm not really sure how, you two became so fond of each other so quick. Seeing you guys kiss is pretty revolting, but it's seems like you teasing us."

CJ:"I don't know what you're talking about. I would never do that."

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