Siren - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Shortly after Octavious and Raven returned, they found Clara shivering slightly in the night air. Mallach was nowhere to be seen.

"No worries, mum. You'll be warm in no time." But the night air was not the reason she was shivering. Mallach had pressed her body against a tree, knelt before her, and lifted the hem of her skirts. She had been frightened, wanting to cry out, but he assured her he would not harm or deflower her in any way. Slipping his hand fully up her dress, she felt something warm and leathery slide against her outer thigh. When he slipped it into the side of her stockings, she nearly fainted.

"Come now Clara, it's only a knife." Her lips parted in dizziness, she looked down at him.

"Knife?" she said slowly.

"Yes, a knife. In case you get into trouble, you chit." She had pushed him away then, the knife secured tightly into her stockings. Falling flat on his bottom, he replied "Some thanks. It has your name inscribed on it. It is yours to keep."

"My lord," she said weakly. "My birthday ended at the stroke of midnight."

"I know," he had said, "but you will need it for when you and I return to the real world of before either of us met."

The fire had been lit. Clara was startled by the whoop of joy from Octavious, who had donned his night clothes. He brought his sleeping bag closer to the warmth and sat upon it. Rubbing his hands together, he pressed his open palms towards the flames.

"I shall start cooking, then." Rising, she walked over to a large pack on the side of her colt.

"Hello, mistress."

"Hello Cora."

"Fancy evening tonight, be it?"

"Yes, it is lovely. With the full moon and all."

"I heard from me mum at the wee age of six months that some go crazy around the time of the full moon."


"Yes, oh yes. Animals, Sumoians, demimals, neither matters. Go stir crazy at the sight of the full moon. Sumoians turn to beasts, animals turn rabid, demimals even worse. You should watch yourself, if you know what is good for you."

In the distance, Mallach sat upon a tree stump. Covering his face with his hands, he hoped that no one could hear him sobbing. He did not want to leave Clara behind. He did not want to go back to the way things were before he met her. His miserable existence, alone in that gloomy castle waiting for his father to step down and pass the crown, and the responsibility of the world, upon his shoulders.

"'Men do not cry!'" His father had exclaimed at his mother's funeral. "Be a good man, son. Stiff upper lip!" His father had stood rigid, at attention. Not once in his life had he seen his father cry, nor did he expect to. How many nights he had cried in the comfort of Octavious, grieving over his mother. How he missed her so...

"Mallach?" A voice startled him. It was Clara. Wiping the tears away from his face fiercely, he composed himself.

"Yes?" he mumbled. As she neared him, she saw his back was turned to her.

"The food is ready, my lord."

"Ah." He started up at the moon, streaks of tears still visible on his face. "I am sorry you lost your father, Clara." He said out of nowhere.

She froze.

"My...father..." She felt her face flush red with shame. How had she not thought of him, these past few days? Surely he was thinking of her. Concerned for her wellbeing. She bit her lower lip and chewed gently. Stepping forward, she shivered slightly and stood at his side.

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