Siren - Chapter 13

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The Noosan Mountains were a formidable foe.

The snow had covered the footpaths, and to make matters worse, the snow was up to their calves. Even their horses were having a difficult time navigating.

The only one who wasn't complaining was Clara. The cold was her old, familiar friend. She'd spent many a day at the deeper parts of the sea, playing amongst the creatures that inhibited the area. She'd met mermaids and mermen, watched huge boats sail into their tiny harbor, and seen breathtaking sunsets beneath the waves.

She had given her coat to Mallach, who seemed to hate the cold the most. He had told her it wasn't the cold, but the wind that bothered him. She could tell he was just trying to protect his manly image. He had wanted to discard his armor but Octavious wouldn't hear of it. The coat did little to protect his body, but he had relished in the furred hood, once his helmet had been secured to the side of his horse's saddle.

Clara glanced over at Raven, who had been smart enough to bring his own coat. It was deerskin hide with down feather lining, he'd told her, and a hood lined with rabbit fur. As much as Clara loved animals, she understood the need to eat and survive. At least Raven's tribe used all the parts of the animal, and did not display the heads as she'd seen back in the throne room at Sumoia.

Her mind suddenly shifted back to the task at hand. She had been trying to ignore the thoughts of Mallach leaving her. It was getting much harder, though, as the days ran short.

They rode in single formation, slowly, carefully. To their good fortune, the path widened and straightened out a little more to the east. They were able to ride two by two, and Clara chose the company of Raven while Octavious and Mallach bantered up ahead.

"You are very lucky." said Raven quietly. Clara watched her breath spiral towards the sky.

"Why, because the cold doesn't bother me?" she looked over at him and smiled. "I suppose the wet doesn't, either." she looked down at her soaking wet dress. She looked at Raven. He didn't speak much, and his quiet demureness was a total change from the first time they had met. It wasn't that long ago, only a few weeks. He'd been with the rest of his clan and they were all chasing Octavious. She had never found out why, though.

"May I ask you something else, Raven?" His jet black hair whipped in the winter winds. He did not look at her, but nodded.

"That first night we met, why were you chasing Octavious?" She studied his face for some hint of emotion, but found none.

"My mother requested his presence. It just happened that he was in the area, escorting Prince Mallach to Calisto, when I was given the orders to find him, and return him to our village. My mother has been greatly concerned about the events taking place as of late." His eyes narrowed.

"What events?" Raven sighed.

"Lady Moyra aside, there have been attacks on our village from unknown forces. My mother needed the assistance of the King. The attacks have caused civil unrest, and as Moyra and my mother, and even your mother, were once allies, she so needed that alliance again."

Clara was amazed. Unknown forces? But wasn't all of the land charted? And where could they be coming from?

"That was supposed to be classified information," Raven and Clara heard. Raven put his hand to his forehead, and Clara bit her lip. "I did not want to worry you, young one." She said. Clara envied Lady Moonstone, as she again imagined her curled up in an armchair, relaxed and cozy within the depths of the palace. "Your village is so close to our territory, I am surprised there have been no attacks on Calisto." Clara thought for a moment, about all that was important to her back in her hometown, and realized she had nothing. She pushed those thoughts aside.

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