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Heartbreak chapter count: 1

11:56pm June 11, 2016.

I'm going to look back at this one day and just cringe. But fuck it.

I don't think that the fact that you moved on so quickly bothers me, it's the fact that you're so hypnotically confusing. You called me drunk one night saying how you love me and how you don't think you'll ever love her, and the next day, you're telling her you love her and you start dating her.

I'm supposed to sit here as you continue to flirt with me and tell me you love me while you're with her? You're dating my best friend, and you cheated on her with my other best friend, and you think by trying to tell everyone that it's rape will fix everything?

You don't deserve love, but everyone still seems to fall under your spell and give you everything they've got. You have a parade of young, impressionable, desperate, depressed and love struck girls behind you, and you screw them over. We talk, we all know what you say and do, yet we idolize you. You get bored and move on. We're not just toys.

I am not an object.

I am human.

You should not treat other humans this way.

You should not put them through this pain.

The pain of sitting alone late at night thinking "what did I do wrong?" "How did I get myself into this mess?" "Why am I up at 12:00 in the morning crying because of you" I shouldn't have to sit here with my self esteem going down rapidly. I should t have to see you commenting on her pictures about how beautiful she is, actually, let me rephrase that, I should t have to see you commenting on her pictures about how beautiful she is and feel my heart drop because never once did you do that to me,

And yet, I'm still up, at 12:00am on a Saturday night, sobbing because you put the thought into my mind that I did something wrong.

What did I do to deserve this much confusion?

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