Just Go With It.1

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Sana came earlier, as usual, for her dinner date with her boyfriend. It never bothered her that her boyfriend was always late for their dates because she knew he was a busy man.

She sat at the table they reserved; a little in the middle of the room. The smell of the restaurant was intoxicating and she needed hundred percent of her self-control to not order first without him.

Their waiter, whose name tag said 'Hi! I'm Jinhwan', stood before her.
[Mianhae~ Jinhwan stans. I love him just as much as you do ㅋㅋㅋ ♡]

"Just give me a few minutes, thanks." She said to him. He bowed and left her.

She tapped her fingers on the table and looked at her classy wrist watch. He was 13 minutes late but she didn't care. She just noticed.

She looked around to observe everyone in the room. There on the far left of the room, were two people happily looking at each other as if on their honeymoon. She internally sighed and didn't want to admit that she wanted that. Being in a long term relationship for 3 years has its downsides as opposed to what people think. Her boyfriend has stopped looking in her eyes like the man she just saw. She missed that, nay she needed that. But what can she do? They've become too comfortable with each other that their sweetness just ran out. She couldn't remember when and how.

Observing the people around, she lost track of time.

Jinhwan came back to her, hoping she would just order as 45 minutes passed already.

"Oh really? Oh my god, I hadn't even noticed!" She could only laugh at the embarrassment she felt. "Uh, just a few more minutes," she looked at his name tag, "Jinhwan," and smiled.

Jinhwan scratched his head before he walked away.

Oh gods, he's almost an hour late?

An hour passed...

The group of elderly women two tables away were piercing their eyes on her as they chat, she's pretty sure they're speaking ill of her right then.

She couldn't do anything but to hide her nervousness. Is he even going to show up? This is our first dinner date for the last 4 months!

She was getting uneasy. She started tapping her foot in rhythm with her fingers on the table. What was she going to do?

The waiter had that pity look on his eyes as he came back to wait on her. She didn't need the power of mind-reading to know that he was wondering if his boyfriend was even coming to meet her.

"Few more,"

"Alright ma'am," he went.

Two hours...

"Can't you see that I'm still waiting?" Finally, she snapped when Jinhwan came back.

"Sorry ma'am but um, here's a carrot cake, on the house." He put the cake on her table.

"What is this? Pity food? He's coming alright!" She said, unbelievably smiling while snarling, not wanting the other customer hearing her.

"Oh no ma'am, that's with compliments from the chef." He quickly walked again.

Damn it!

Two and a half...

Should she just go home?

Fifteen minutes left before three hours of staying there...

Clutching her bag to leave, some blonde guy she has never seen before, sat across her saying, "Honey, sorry I'm late,"

Just Go With It. [jun x sana] | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें