I Fell in Love with a Fan ~Minecon~

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Characters- CampingRusher aka Brayden, ChildDolphin aka Ryan, NoahCraftFTW aka Noah, PocketIsland aka Pocket,  FluffytheBanana aka Beau, REAL_Cayla aka Cayla, and Palmerater aka Palmer.

Today was the day before the first day of Minecon weekend and Noah and Palmerater were so excited to see all there fans and some YouTube friends. So Noah and Palmer were at Palmer's hanging out.

Noah's Pov

Shit I clogged up Palmer's toilet... better tell him.


Noah: PALMER Help me!

Palmer: Whats wrong?

Noah: I clogged your toilet...

Palmer: HAHA go get the plunger.

Noah: I can't find it! 

Palmer: hahaha okay I'll go ask my mom.


Palmer: I'm telling her, she won't care

Noah: Ugh fine.

It was Minecon today and Noah and Palmer were excited to see their fans! They couldn't wait to see them and take pictures and all the awesome crap.

Noah's Pov

Damn it, I lost Palmer! Oh well I'll see him later. I'm a big boy(Author:LOL I GOT BORED XD) So hmm I'll just walk around and see if there is any fans near by. Whoa is that OMG it is!

Noah saw Pocket with his girlfriend, Cayla.

"POCKET!!!!!" Noah yelled trying to get Pocket's attention

"NOAH!!!!" Pocket while running over to Noah.

"I didn't know you were going to come. WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU IDIOT!?" Noah Said

"I wasn't planning on coming but then Cayla bought two tickets to come so I told her I would go." Pocket replied

"Oh. Cayla Thanks for making him come!  OMG finally fans will meet Pocket in person!" Noah said

"Oh its nothing. He didn't want to go at first, but I told him he should because of his fans so he said okay." Cayla replied


"Sorry. YOU KNOW IM BAD WITH MEETING PEOPLE!  REMEMBER when I tried to ask out Cayla?  I nearly threw up trying to ask her! Oh my, remember she said yes I fell." Pocket replied

"Oh yeah sorry. Well you two want to go find some fans?" Noah asked

"Sure let's go!" Pocket replied

So they were walking around and guess what happens; Pocket, Noah, and Cayla see Palmer, Brayden, and Ryan! But Cayla saw her best friend Beau! 

"BEAU!!!!!!" Cayla yelled running to give her a hug.

"CAYLA!  Omg is that.... Pocket, Noah, Palmer, Brayden, and Ryan?!?!" Beau Asked

"WELL DUUH! Also I forgot to tell you..... Pocket and I are dating." Cayla said nervously

"OMG FOR HOW LONG?!" Beau said

"About a year.... I knew you were coming here so I waited and I kinda forgot to message you... Sowwy." Cayla said while feeling bad

"Oh hun its okay! At least we found eachother!!!! Can you ask them to sign my sword?" Beau asked

"Okay! C'mon!" Cayla said while yanking Beau to see them

"Hey guys!  Meet my friend Beau! She's giant fans of you guys and she really wants you guys to sign her sword!" Cayla asked

"Okay!" All of the boys said.

"So Beau tonight want to go the go karts?! I REALLY WANT TO DRIVE A GO-KART!" Cayla asked

"Okay, Who else is going?" Beau asked

"I can ask the boys. If you want them to join. " Cayla replied

"Ask them! They might like to join. Hey maybe afterwards we can go out to like McDonald's! Haha." Beau said

"Okay! I'll ask them." Cayla said

Cayla asked them and they said yes, But Noah was looking at Beau strangely.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey Guys! Sorry to stop here :( I'm tired but don't worry I'll try to get one up tomorrow :D

I Fell in Love with a Fan~NoahCraftFTW Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now