I Fell in Love with a Fan~Livestream Day 20~

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It was day 20 of the 3 months they were going to stream. They had $300,050.10, they were getting so closer and closer! This was making them all very happy! (YAY HAPPINESS!)  Today it was just Beau and Noah doing the Stream because the others were busy, and Cayla had been spending time with her parents because they wanted to see her.

"Hey everyone! Today is just Beau and I doing the stream today because everyone is quite busy today. But don't worry! It will still be amazing!" Noah said cheerfully.

"Yeah! How about we start with something cool? Everyone tweet to Noah and I your ingame name and a joke. Whoever has the best joke gets a donater rank in our server!!" Beau said

Then they looked at their twitter and saw all these tweets and one caught their eyes, and made them laugh like crazy. 

"Winner is.......OfficialRavenFT!! His joke was "Why did the cow cross the street? To get to the udder side. HAHA lol, so yeah theres our winner!" Noah said 

 Then Noah and Beau called the server runner, Surge, to give him the rank. While that was happening Beau started reading the comments and one got her eye. 

The Comment; Wait isn't Dolphin mad at Noah for stealing his girl? Now he's hanging out with her...Wow Noah that's just cold bro.

"Everyone, Dolphin and I worked everything out. He doesn't mind me hanging out with Noah when comes to the stream, but after the stream I have to leave Noah." Beau explained

Comment; Suure you probably want to date Noah.

"Stop it! If she doesn't want me, then she doesn't. She loves Dolphin not me! Got it. Wait your the same dude who hurt Cayla!! GET THE F OUT! You hurt my best friend! If only I knew where you lived, I would destroy you!" Noah said

Comment; hahahaahahahahahaha suuure you would.

Soon they just ignored the comment but they found it strange that his stream name was fairly simular  to Dolphin's name....


DUN DUN DUN! Hehehe :3 hope you guys enjoyed! 

I Fell in Love with a Fan~NoahCraftFTW Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now