I Fell in Love with a Fan~Hope~

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Everyone was waiting for what doctor was going to say if Cayla was going to make it. 

"Babe, What if you don't make it..." Pocket asked

"If I don't.. then I don't...I want to make and most likely I will the doctor said." Cayla said

"If don't make it... I love you." Pocket said kissing Cayla

"I love you too." Cayla said

Then Noah ran in.

"Guys! Guys! GUYS!" Noah yelled

"what?!" They both said

"The doctor said Cayla will make it.....But we need to get 1 million dollars before 3 months..for her treatment to survive. If we don't get it..She won't make it." Noah said lowering his voice towards the end

"Well we are going to earn that money!" Pocket said

"I'm going to call Beau and my buddy Kylee and her Bf, Mitch(BajanCanadian)." Cayla said

"Yeah call them! I have an idea and I'm going to need some people." Pocket said

"Pocket, should we do a livestream?" Noah said

"Lets do it!" Pocket said


One of the shortest chapters I have ever made!! Sorry but I needed a chapter up! But hope this is ok :D

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