Sea of Confusion/ Taylor

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% CHAPTER 25 %

"Oh my this looks gorgeous on you Taylor! You really need to show off your legs more," Connie comments on the outfit I'm wearing.

I give a dry laugh. I haven't exactly been into it today. All I can think about is that stupid kiss that idiot Bret had to give me last night. I was so lucky he was still asleep when I left.

"Earth to Taylor. Earth to Taylor," Vicki chants as she waves her hand in front of my face. "Come on you've got to live for the moment girl!"

I smile weakly. I wish I could, but right now all I'm living is the past. It's not like I can exactly tell them about the kiss. They all think Bret's my cousin thanks to his outrageous improv.

I told him to forget about it though so that's what had to happen. I had to forget about the kiss and move on. We had kissed many times already in the movie. Why was this one so different? I already knew the answer. It was because he cheated on someone for me. He cheated on his girlfriend by kissing me. If it would have been on the set, that would have been okay, but he didn't. He kissed me in reality.

I haven't even met the girl yet and was already stabbing her in the back. Damn. I thought I was better than this.

"Taylor, if you zone out one more fucking time, I'm going to fill a bucket of cold water up and throw it on you."

That seems to get my attention, for now. I don't want water on my clothes and neither does the sales attendant who showed me the fabulous dress I'm now wearing.

Another thing that still nags me though is the way Mr. Hemley could just touch me that way. That was why we were going shopping in the first place, to take my mind off things.

"Okay I'll be right back. I need to get a pitcher and some water."

"I'm fine. I'm fine!" I say. "I wasn't exactly zoning out."

Vicki puts a hand on her hip. "Don't lie now. We were asking you questions and you just stood there all stiff like this!"

She tries to model me. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is open.

"We should've stuffed an orange in her mouth," Connie mutters.

"Well in all the movies its an apple, I thought," Gwen mumbles.

I nod. "It's an apple. Connie's just gone crazy."

"So it's decided then. All three of us are going to pitch in some money and buy this dress for Taylor," Vicki says.

"How much does it cost?" I ask.

"That's one of the questions we asked you when you were stiff like a zombie. Now come on hurry and change out of the dress. We've been shopping since morning and my feet are killing me."

I look at the dress, trying to find the price tag. When I finally do find it, my eyes become bigger than saucers.

"235 dollars?!"

Vicki shrugs. "We knew it would be expensive." She looks at the price with me and then rolls her eyes. "Tay sweetie that's the original price. We found this on the clearance rack, remember? It's only 155 dollars plus the 40 percent off coupon I have with me makes it...let's just find that one out at the cash register."

"It's 62 dollars!" Gwen cries out.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "You sure?"

She nods. "Yup. I'm a math genius."

Vicki nods as well. "She really is. Oh my gosh that's it! I know how to get you and Aaron together!"

Gwen blushes. "Don't say it so loud. You have a boyfriend now so..."

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