Truths Revealed/ Bret

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% CHAPTER 36 %

"Round of applause! Let me see dat ass clap!" Whitney sings through the school hallway. Who knew this chick was so crazy? When some people look at her like she's delusional, she laughs at them. "Drop it drop it drop it low, all da way onto da flow! Bitch be callin me a hoe, but I don't give myself fo show. So no."

I chuckle and think how much her and Luca would be a good couple. As for Taylor and I, we're fixing to become official at the beach. We decided we could trust our friends. I feel so pumped now. I'm stress free and my grades have actually gotten better. How weird is that? We're still trying to figure out how we get Amanda to back off though. With the help of Taylor, Whit and I are looking for more loopholes in what she said. Hopefully, we can find something because I am tired of pretending to be in love with the bitch.

Mr. Omen's class has been so much more fun with Whit. No joke. Okay well jokes included because she cracks about a hundred of them each day. She is just a lively person. She's just so fun to be around with her awkward conversations and weird way of expressing herself. Taylor really knows how to pick 'em. I still wonder how they became such close friends. I know they've known each other since they were born, but a lot of people have friends like that who still aren't that close to each other.

"Attention fair citizens! It has come to my knowledge this school's basketball team sucks!"

As she continues on with her rant, I hear a couple things like, "Is she on crack?" and, "Drunk much?" I just keep chuckling and shaking my head.

Just then Amanda barges in with ratty hair and smeared make up, and its not the making out kind. Someone's not having a good day.

"Aw did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Whit's voice is like a coo.

"Shut up I don't have time for your shit!" Amanda shrieks.

"Language Miss Shorack." Mr. Omen shakes his head disapprovingly.

"I don't give a fuck," she mutters under her breath.

Whitney must have heard because she replies casually with, "If you didn't give a fuck then you would have said it out loud."

Amanda winces. "Shut up."

I smirk. She knows by now that I'm not going to help her. Everyone knows. People keep telling her to end it with me. I am just bringing her down. I'm not treating her right. Even her blondie friends- which I'm pretty sure aren't even naturally blond- tell her that she needs to break up with me before I break her heart, but she won't listen. Nothing is working for her anymore and that makes me happy.

"Make me," Whit provokes.

"Miss Whitney Audet! Please sit down in your seat like a normal child would do and face the front."

"I'm not a child Mr. Omen! I've officially been a teenager for four years."

"Teenager then! Just sit like a normal student."

Whit smiles like an angel. "I'm not a normal student Mr. Omen." Everyone chuckles because they know its true. She really isn't. I don't think she ever was.

He gives a frustrated sigh. "Then just act like it for one day! Or detention after school!"

"It's a date," Whit calls and walks out of the class.

Some people laugh. Others don't. I'm a part of the laughing group. Then I realize I'm stuck with Amanda for a class period and the laugh fades into nothing as I sink onto my chair, trying to become invisible. Why God? Why have you punished me so? Amanda doesn't take Whitney's seat though. In fact, she doesn't acknowledge me at all. After a while I realize that she's not going to make an effort to talk to me. Maybe she's finally listening to everyone. I can't help but smile.

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