Chapter 2

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"There was only six survivors. All children." Jia Penhallow, the Consul, said. Magnus Bane shook his head at the Shadowhunters. It shouldn't really be that big a surprise.

Magnus had been in Idris on business. He had been asked to be the Warlock representative. Catrina Loss was supposed to but canceled last minute. Magnus had no doubt it was because Ragnor Fell was visiting New York.

Alexander Lightwood stood by Magnus, his blue eyes dark. His head was bent down, trying not to draw attention to himself. Magnus had no idea why, Alec was stunning. More attractive than Jace, in Magnus' opinion.

"It seems to me," Magnus said humorously."that they have forgotten all about the murders that have been happening. It only seems logical to assume that an Institute would be the next target." Alec nodded.

"So um, are we still going on that date?" Alec said awkwardly. He played with the edge of his horrible brown sweater. Magnus wondered if he should buy Alec a new wardrobe, or at least a sparkly blue scarf to make his eyes pop.

"If I didn't know better I would say your trying to get me into bed." Magnus teased lightly.

Alec blushed bright red."I wasn't! I mean I want to but- I mean not-" Magnus laughed loudly.

"Let's go on that date."


Simon watched Isabelle pace around the room nervously. Simon wanted to comfort her but Izzy didn't need that. She need to feel strong. And she was.

Simon had hated going to school. Clary and him had been so close and now they weren't. The only good part was meeting Isabelle.

Isabelle suddenly stopped and walked up to Simon. She slammed her lips to his passionately. Laying her down on the bed gently, Simon crawled on top of her.

She tasted like smelled like roses, Idris, and Izzy. She was brave and strong.

"Just let me get a coat Mag- BY THE ANGEL! I'M BLIND!" Alec and Magnus stood in the doorway, only Magnus laughed.

"What are you doing Alec? Get out!" Isabelle said. Simon wasn't sure, but he thought he saw red on her cheeks.

"I-It's my room!"Alec spluttered out, looking anywhere but Simon and Isabelle, who were in a very compromising position. Simon blushed and hastily got off Isabelle. Simon opened his mouth to talk.

"Don't say anything. I can't look at you without seeing you sprawled over my sister." Magnus was laughing still. Simon wanted to rip out his very glittery hair.

"It's wasn't what it looked like."

I felt like I needed some Malec and Sizzy. I always forget about them because Clace is my OTP.

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