Chapter 5

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Simon held Clary tightly as she cried. Her cries were filled with pain and guilt. Simon tried to think of something to say, but came up with nothing.

Jace. Simon had never liked him. His chiseled good looks and cocky attitude made Simon want to punch him. But now after seeing Clary cry, Simon would even trade his entire comic book collection to bring Jace back.

It was chaos after Sebastian and Jace disappeared. Clary had pushed through the crowd and walked out the door, not saying anything.

It had taken awhile, but Simon had found her on a hill that overlooked Alicante. She always seeks higher ground when she's upset.

"We have to find him. We'll have Magnus do a locator spell." Clary said after a few minutes of silence. Simon shook his head tiredly.

"He already tried. Sebastian must have done something to block us from tracking them." Clary suddenly got a far away look on her face. Simon knew that look. "Whatever your planning, no."

Clary snorted. "How do you know I'm planning something?" Simon could see the plan forming in her eyes. Simon only raised an eyebrow. Clary rolled her eyes in response.

"We have to do something! Anything is better than nothing!" Clary screamed. Simon sighed tiredly. "What are we going to do?" Clary's voice was a whisper, tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

Isabelle walked into view before Simon could answer. She smiled at Simon, but immediately stopped when she saw him comforting Clary, her dark eyes turning cold.

Simon stood up and walked to Izzy, but she ran away. Simon looked at Clary, who shot him an understanding look.

Simon ran after Isabelle and found her leaning against the side if a building.

"I'm not your girlfriend." Isabelle said, her face turned away from him.

"I know that." Simon said, disappointed. Isabelle turned to him and glared.

"I knew what was going on between you and Clary. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to see you with her." Isabelle said blankly. 

Simon wanted to laugh, but he had a feeling she wouldn't appreciate that. "Iz, Clary is my parabati, I don't have the same feelings for her that I have for you."

Isabelle walked towards Simon and kissed him. Simon, caught of guard, awkwardly put his hands in her waist. She tasted like strawberry, and smelled like roses, and Isabelle.

Simon gently pulled away and looked into her eyes,"I lo-" He never got to finish.

A loud scream made Simon and Izzy break apart. Clary. Simon could recognize her scream anywhere.

Simon and Isabelle raced to Clary. When they got to the spot she had been the only thing they found was blood staining the grass and something in a silver chain.

Slowly Simon picked it up, dread filling him.

It was the Morgenstern ring.

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