Three: Core Frisk

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Papyrus's POV
Ever since Error took Sans I've been with Core Frisk.

She said it's safer for me to be here with her than back at our universe

Well, when I first entered I saw another Sans, he looked exactly like mine.

Well, he was him....just not him....

It's actually quite confusing.

It turns out there was another Sans and another me here in

It was actually quite an embarrassing moment to be honest....

But that was like...what...about 6 months ago...?

It's been so long since I've seen Sans...

I was sitting down in a chair when Core Frisk came up to me.

"Papyrus..." She said.

"Yeah, Frisk?" I asked.

She groaned.

"Ugh, I told you to call me C Frisk." She growled.

"Okay, okay, yeesh." I said, sighing.

"Alright, I came here to tell you that I need to go somewhere, and that you'll need to stay here with your copy and your brother's copy."

"Um....why?" I asked.

"Because...I need to go...this is urgent...."

I sighed.

"Alright then...go..."

"Thank you, Carrot." She chuckled before making a portal and leaving through it.

I hated how she called me Carrot....

But I had to get used to it....

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