Sixteen: Happy Papy Ending

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Papyrus's POV
I was relieved when the strings were released from my soul.

I took a deep, long breath and slowly let it out.

I looked up only to see a new Sans.

"Uhh...who are you?" I asked.

The Sans just smiled as a white light surrounded it.

When the light faded I saw Error, Fresh, and Ink Sans all looking up at me.

"It's you guys!" I shouted.

"Heh...yup!" Ink Sans shouted with joy.

"B-but where's my brother?!?"

They all looked at each other. "Uhhh..." They said together.

In the corner of my eye I saw dust lying on the ground.

I quickly faced the dust and gasped.

"N-no..." I wailed. "S-Sans! NO!"

I felt Error Sans out his hand on my waist.

"I'm so sorry...we had to..."

Tears filled my eyes.


I wouldn't stop crying....I already had to deal with him being taken away by Error..but now this...?

"Hey...brah...I know you're upset about your homey but...uh...maybe we can help?" Fresh Sans said.

Suddenly, I heard Ink Sans squeal with joy, making me quickly look up at him.

"I have just the plan!" He said, pulling a giant paintbrush off his back.

I just watched as he made something with his brush.

"Done!" He said, putting his brush up.

"Papyrus...I will introduce you to....."

He then took a step to the side, allowing me to see what he made.

I gasped when I saw Sans standing in front of me.

"S-Sans...?" I asked.

"Papyrus..." He whispered.

I shook the tears from my eyes and ran up to him, giving him a tight hug.

"Papyrus...I-I'm so sorry...."

I gently rubbed his back.

"Hey's okay..."

I heard the other Sans's giggling at this sight, I could tell they thought it was cute.

"I forgive you...just don't leave me again...okay?"

Sans sighed.

"Okay...Papy...I love you..."

I smiled.

"I love you too, Sans..."
A/N: Well, this is the end.
Now I just need to decide what to write next....
Suggest me something!!!
I'll go with the most popular suggestion!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this book, and I appreciate everyone who has read/voted/commented on it!
Thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day.
SwapFreak, out!

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