To: Christina and Team Grimmie From: Sky (me)

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It still doesn't seem real... I'm here if any of you would like to talk about anything, Christina was amazing, dedicated, loyal, beautiful, talented, etc etc... The list could go on for centuries. And yes we'll miss her but she wouldn't want us to be sad. As one of Christina's tweets say: "HOW IS EVERYONE TODAY IF YUR SAD JUST BE HAPPY BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" (December 1st, 2013) and another one: "tell her she'll be fine, and not to cry; tell her it's not the end, n I will send a blessing in disguise -God" (July 7th, 2015). We love her very much, and she loves us. I know we're sad and miss her now, but cheer up because one day we will see her again. And I know we won't stop missing her, and that our grief won't go away, but it will get easier for all of us eventually. And that's what she would want. She loved all of us more than we could imagine, and now we have to make her memory live on. It's terrible what happened to her, but she's in a better place now. She's happy, safe, and never has to worry about pain or heartache ever again, and she's watching over all of us. Christina, I love you, I miss you, and I won't ever be the same again. Neither will the rest of team Grimmie. We are going to make your memory live on forever and ever until the end of time. Thank you for all the times that you were there for us, even when you didn't realize it. Thank you for making our days better just by being you, thank you for loving us when we couldn't love ourselves, and most of all, thank you for being there for us when no one else was, and impacting our lives in such an amazing way. You were such a legend, and still are. We love you, and we will never ever forget about you. Team Grimmie, this is not the end. Please please please remember that we will see her again one day. And even though she's gone, she will never be forgotten. Rest easy, Christina. Thank you for everything. ❤️ #RIPChristina #TeamGrimmieForever

(Added to book 6/12/16)

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