Chapter 3

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I stepped out of the bright red Ferrari. It was Trevor's car, and he was driving it. I sat in the passenger's seat, while Alexa and Charles rode in the back. Jonathan, Sam (Samantha), Ian, and Roy rode in Roy's blue one.

We all came out and straightened out our clothes. I wore a white crop-top, black shorts, and silver high-heeled sandals with a real, sparkling diamond in the middle. I also had on a long black-and-white shirt that was left un-buttoned. A pair of Ray Bans with gold outlining hung on the front of my shirt. My hair flowed down my back freely, and my makeup was 'on fleek'. I had a sliver, heart necklace on my neck and a simple white bracelet made of tiny sea shells cut out in the shape of flowers on my wrist. My nails were painted white, the classy color.

We stood in front of Prince High, and I could already sense that people were looking at us. Some of the girls (which I guessed were sluts) were giggling and winking at the guys. I know the guys are hot, but gosh! They can be so annoying and desperate.

My group of friends walked into the school building, where everyone stared at us some more. I could feel them looking at us with respect, which was a good thing. My first period class was with Trevor and Alexa, so the three of us parted from the rest of them and headed to the classroom.

"They're looking at us with respect." Trevor whispered to me. I nodded and smirked, giving him a thumbs up. We entered the classroom 5 minutes early, but it seemed like everyone was already there. The English teacher, Mrs Walker smiled at us.

"Everyone, this is Reina, Alexa, and Trevor. They're new, so please be nice." She said. "You guys may sit anywhere you'd like." She told us. Alexa and Trevor followed me as I walked to an open seat. Alexa sat beside me while Trevor was in front of me.

As the bell rang, Mrs Walker started to read Hamlet: Romeo and Juliet. Five minutes into the story, we heard a loud bang, which was caused by the door to our classroom being banged open. I looked to see who it was.

It was a boy, a very good looking one at that. The bad boy type, I bet. He had on a black leather jacket, a white shirt, and black jeans on which were completed with white Vans. But my breath caught in my throat when I saw his face. It was... Xander. The Xander. As in, Xander Colton.

"Sorry I made such a commotion, but I had to make my grand entrance." He smirked at the teacher, then looked around the classroom. Girls were staring at him with love-struck faces. "Wait, so there's new people now?" He asked, motioning towards Trevor, Alexa, and I.

"Yes. Now please sit down Mister Colton." Mrs Walker ordered.

Yup, so this was definitely Xander. I fisted my hands into tight balls. Girls looked at him flirtatiously, and guys looked at him with more respect then they looked at is with. I will surpass his popularity, whatever it takes I will do it.

Xander walked over to me and Alexa. But he sat next to me, and scooted his desk and chair closer. I bit my lip.

"Hey baby, you're cute." Xander said. I almost laughed. Cute?! I'm cute?! Oh, so I'm not "nerdy" anymore because of how I dress?! What a jerk. He doesn't even realize it's me. I totally ignored him. "Please talk to me beautiful."

"Okay, then stop calling me pet names." I said.

"Well then what's yo—" He got cut off because of a paper ball that was thrown his way. He looked back to the guy that passed it, then opened it. Xander smirked and wrote something else on it, and passed it back. I rolled my eyes and focused on the novel in my hands.

At the end of the class, I packed up all my things and headed out with Alexa and Trevor. "Wait up, baby girl." I heard Xander say, but I just flipped him the birdie and walked off.

"Oh my god, that guy is Xander." I said once we were a reasonable amount of space away.

"What? Are you serious?! That was Xander?" Alexa yelled. I held up a finger to my lips to make her quiet.

"Wait, so that guy is the guy that...changed you, from Maya to Reina." Trevor said. I slowly nodded.

"But he didn't even realize it was me."
I laughed.

"Wow..." Alexa said. "But he has an interest in you now!"

"I know, and it's so annoying. He treated me like shit before, but now he thinks he can fool me again."

"But don't worry, because if he fools you again, he will be dead meat." Trevor reassured me.

"Thanks, I'm grateful that I have all these wonderful friends to help me now. I used to be a loner." I hugged the both of them, then headed to my second class.

All my classes went like that: the teacher introducing me, me being friendly to everyone, flirty to boys, and respectful to the staff. Until it was my last class, which was Science with Mrs Chen.

I walked into the classroom and felt all the stares on me. I smiled and went to sit down. Mrs Chen introduced me, then started class. Five minutes into the class, a bang from the door made us all jump. Guess who it was... Xander! Big surprise. He smirked at me and sat next to me again. Mrs Chen was the only one oblivious to him, and kept on going with the big talk about molecules and such.

"Hey babe." He whispered.

"It is like, your thing to come in five minutes late and make a big commotion out of it?" I rolled my eyes and whispered back.

"It is like, your thing to keep on rolling your eyes over and over at me?" He mimicked me in a horrible 'girl' voice. I ignored him and took down notes about what Mrs Chen was saying.

At the end of class, Trevor, Alexa, Charles, Johnny, Sam, Ian, and Roy met me outside of mine. As we walked towards the exit doors of the school, I heard multiple footsteps running to catch up with us, so I turned around. It was Xander.

"Hey wait up beautiful, I didn't catch your name." He said. His friends smirked at me. My friends looked disgustedly at Xander, since they knew all about what happened between us.

"Well, I don't remember throwing it." I said and walked away with my friends following behind.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hey guys, it's Reina!

Thank you so much for trying out this book. I know it's not that good, but I'm trying my best. Thank you for 200+ reads on my other book, The Boy Next Door. I have a goal, can we get this story to maybe... 50 reads by next month? Please?

I am looking for a new cover for this book. If you have some extra time, can you create one and send it to me over DM? I'll credit you, and TYSM if you do it.

Again, thank you for checking out my book.

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❤️You guys are much appreciated❤️

—Reina Jung👑

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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