1. Layla

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UGH! Would someone just turn the damn thing off!


Nope. No such look.

I felt groggy but I concentrated on opening my tired, heavy eyelids.

When my eyes finally focused I saw the monster making all the noise; a heart monitor.

Holy Crackers! Why on earth is there a...

The door to the small room I was lying in opened and a man walked in holding a clipboard. He was wearing white scrubs and a name tag identifying him as Doctor Andrew Campbell. DOCTOR? He doesn't look old enough. He's no older than twenty-five and that would be pushing it. Shaggy jet-black hair, a natural tan and he defiantly worked out in his free time.

I could feel my heart-rate picking up looking at him and I could faintly hear something beeping as fast as a marathon runner.

He rushed over to me with a look of worry on his face.

I looked away embarrassed.

"Stay Calm. Are You Okay? Where does it hurt?" He asked me, checking my chart, determining why my heart rate had picked up like that so drastically.

I would say if he is really a doctor his patients should only be old men or children under five if he doesn't want to end up killing someone for heart failure.

He was now looking at me waiting for an answer.


I blushed because of my stupidity, going off in a fit about him two seconds ago. My answer wasn't much of one but what could I say 'Oh no, I'm not in any pain. Your just so damn fine I started hyperventilating' oh yeah that would have been so sane of me.

He was now standing beside me checking my pupils.

"Are you okay?" He repeated, only this time, slower.

"Um. No. I'm fine...I think. I'm sorry I was just...I was just thinking. I'm not in any pain." I tried to smile to reassure him. I winced as a sharp shooting pain travelled through my chest.

He smiled a sympathising smile at me. "Ah, Yes. That would have hurt. I'll make sure to get you another dose of pain killers. Now, how was your sleep? You were out a while."

I had completely forgotten that I was lying in a hospital bed hooked up to a heart monitor when he walked in.

"Um. I don't know. How long was I asleep?" Confused at his remark.

"You were in a coma due to the seriousness of your injuries for four months." "FOUR MONTHS!?" I shrieked. "Calm down, I'll tell you why but try and stay calm. I'm going to organise a CT scan for you also. What is the last thing you remember?"

I thought. And thought.

What do I remember last? I remember an evil beeping noise and then he walked in. Something tells me he means before that.....

But I kept coming up with nothing.

I was blank.

I tried to remember but I just didn't know!

"Its okay, it's okay! Don't tire yourself out. If you don't remember that's okay. It might come back to you in a while. Just relax." He said, squeezing my hand reassuringly and smiling at me.

I just nodded.

"Are you really a doctor?"

He chuckled. "Yes, what gave it away? Was it the outfit? Nah I'm only messing. I am."

"But your so. So..."

"Young? "

I nodded.

"I was smart. Sat my Leaving Cert at sixteen, and then sailed through college. "

"How old are you?" I quizzed him.

"Twenty-three. Now, Will I tell you what happened? It might help you remember."

I just nodded at him again to continue, too tired to speak.

He pulled up the plastic chair to the side of my bed, which had been abandoned in the corner of this little hospital room.

"Before I tell you anything, forget the badge" pointing to it on his scrubs." Call me Andy. "

"Hello Andy!" I said mocking him.

"Okay so I'll start from the beginning.

Four months ago there was a terrible snow blizzard up and down the country.

On the N17 on the stretch of road from Loughrea to Ballinasloe, an artic had swerved to miss a motorbike that was having difficulty on the road. The artic toppled over onto its side. The driver died on his way to the hospital.

But he swerved so fast and unexpected, that traffic behind him didn't have time to react.

In total there was seven vehicles involved; the artic, the motorbike which had been to close, was crushed. The man on the bike was killed instantly. A school bus on the evening run with the driver and thirty children on board.

Then there was four cars. An elderly couple on their way to a special mass in the next town; a young family; the parents only in their early twenty's, the children; four and two. A woman on her way home from work. She had three small children waiting for her at home.

Then there was you!

Your parents and you. Unfortunately they didn't survive. I'm sorry" he paused for a moment before continuing.

"Out of forty-three people, you were the only survivor.

We found your parents' names but found no record of a child so we could not identify you. No one came looking for them or you so we don't know anything about you. Were not even sure if you were there daughter. I'm sorry. I know it's hard" he sighed.

He then shot his head up so fast that I thought I was going to be dizzy.

"How about we play a game? I'll put names on a piece of paper and put them in this bowl" pointing to one that lay on the table across the room. "Then we will pick you a new name!"

I laughed.

Bad Idea! "OW!" I screamed trying not to cause the pain again.

"That would be your ribs and still bruised lung" Andy told me gathering up all the utensils he needed for this crazy scheme of his.

"You also had a broken leg, fractured wrist and obviously head trauma" he casually continued, sitting down next to me again.


"Oh, sorry. I meant with the memory loss. Which hopefully is only short-term.


I nodded.

A sharp shooting pain ripped through my chest.

"I-I AM NOT BEING CALLED AGATHA!" I shrieked at him, horrified.

He just laughed at the expression on my face.

"Jeez! Okay, Okay. No Agatha" putting the page in the bin.

"Okay please try and stay still. And Calm! You don't want to hurt yourself anymore!"

He put his hand in the bowl again, pausing he added " The next name is the FINAL name. That will be your name end of story!" he finished, pulling another off-white crumpled piece of paper out.

"Okay, moment of truth!" He opened the piece of paper



It's not great, I know.

Tell me What you honestly think.


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