2. Layla

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That's how my name was chosen.


I was so relieved when he picked that name. I'd hate to have been called Beatrice or Barbara or worse.

My Full name is Layla Andy Allen.

I decided it was only right to have my middle name as Andy, because for the two months after I had woken up from the coma, whenever he could he would come to my room. He was the one who got me through it all.

In hospital, People dying of diseases? yeah right; they're probably more likely to die of boredom.

I told him that once and he started laughing at me. "I'll mention it to the nurses, see if they can cure it"

Since I'm only thirteen; a minor in the eyes of the law, I had to be appointed foster parents.

Bridget and Patrick; they are absolute legends!

I met them for the first time while I was still in hospital, two weeks after I was out of the coma. I wasn't really sure what to make of them at first. But now I couldn't live without them. They are the most amazing people you could ever wish for as parents.

Bridget and Patrick Allen.

And that's how I got my surname.

It's now September. I've been free of that little hospital room for almost two months now.

Andy and I are friends now so I still get to see him all the time. Yes, there is an age gap between us, but so what...

I pushed open the door and stepped into the main office of my new school, St. Josephs in the small town of *Balla that I now live in. **Balla - don't pronounce the last a. it's like Bal. (just thought i would tell ye! Back to the story!***

I could see through a panel on the door on the other side of the room, the hustle and bustle of students coming and going and getting ready to start another year of school, just like last year.

But for me, the whole experience was new.

I never did remember anything. There was ample amount of scans and tests and everything under the sun done, but nothing abnormal showed up. They were baffled as to why I couldn't remember after all this time. They thought it might still return; my memory.

I think maybe I'm just not supposed to know, or else there just isn't anything to remember.

I can speak, read and write easily, that I didn't forget, but details like what my name was. Even that I don't know.

So trying to get through school today I felt was going to be a nightmare.

The women sitting behind the desk didn't seem to overly pleased at her position in life, like she just didn't want to be here.

She looked like she was past her sell by date, at least mid-forties or early fifties. And it must have been a very sour lemon she sucked.

"Go to the principal, Mr. Williams, and he will sort you out" she told us bluntly closing the window shutter to her office.

So Bridget and I wandered around the school like detectives trying to fit pieces of the puzzles together to find the principals office.

"Excuse Me? Are Ye Looking For Mr. Williams?" A boy about the same age as me with a head full of curls asks us.

"Yes. Do you know where we would find him?" Bridget asks, hope in her voice.

School isn't as easy as people think. There are so many problems, it's only 9:10 and I'm already lost!

"I'm heading to his office right now, I can show ye. It's also my first day here." Looking at me "Well it looks like your new here as well. I'm Noah. I'm going into second year." Putting his hand out for me to shake it.

"Me too! I'm Layla!" shaking his hand.

Turning to Bridget "I can show her to the office. Mr. Williams sent my mother home already. He said there was no need for parents, that the students can sort it out!" he informs her.

"I don't think so because I have to talk to him and explain about.." she turns to me. "you know, your position, your extra help, medical information-"

I cut her off "Bridget, I'm sure I can explain it all to him myself. You did tell me I had the gift of the gab !" I reassure her.

"I -If your sure?"

"Noah! There you are!" exclaims a girl rushing over to us. Again she looked around the same age as me. She had a sallow complexion and deep chocolate brown eyes like me.

She also had jet-black hair that flowed down her back but unlike my natural wavy curls, hers was ruler-straight. Like Noah and I, she was also wearing a school uniform consisting of a blue shirt, blue jumper with the schools crest on the top left corner, black shoes and socks, and a navy-blue tartan skirt and Noah with grey trousers.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Isabelle. Isabelle Jacobs" she smiles at Bridget and I, then turns to Noah.

"Mr. Williams is looking for us. Apparently there are four others enrolling this morning!"

Noah gestures to me "Um, Isabelle this is Layla. Layla this is Isabelle. My sister."

I smile at her "Hi"

She returns the smile "Hey"

"She's enrolling and is going into second year too!"

"Cool. There are three of us now to crash this party! Hopefully of the others, we might be able to add another to this small gang of newbie's! What do you say?"

"Hopefully. But I think three could be enough to rock this school. They won't know what hit them" I smile.

"Layla, behave. Now, I will leave you to sort it out. But if there is any problem no matter how minor, you ring me or Patrick and we will be here at once"

"Okay, thanks Bridget, and I will. Bye!"

"See you after school. It was nice to meet you two"

I watch her, until she has swung the front door closed and then I turn to Isabelle and Noah.

"Let's get this show on the road!"


Sorry It's So Short!! But It's Kinda More A Filler Really. So Please Vote..

AND I PROMISE Part 3 will be way longer..

I would Love FeedBack So Please Comment! : )

- Lena ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2010 ⏰

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