Chapter Twelve

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Lady Fackel was a destined warrior, never to be any better, her powers at their apex. In addition, she was driven by her inexplicable, maniacal hatred and disdain towards her former best friend and current opponent. She had worked and trained all her life for this moment, for a chance to meet the young Cordell in combat and finally best her at it.

She had no fear for herself, no doubt that she would win. She was focused in a way that Ashlyn recognized at once— a martial artist's focus, mindful of the present, locked in on what was needed in the here and now. Ashlyn saw it in her suddenly mad eyes and in the set of her snow-white features. The Sith Mistress was a living example of what the Jedi Master had been telling her about how best to hear the will of the Force.

The two combatants fought their way across the hangar floor, lightsabers flashing, bringing to bear every skill they had acquired over the years and over their time in that foreign yet slightly familiar universe. Cordell tried continually to press the attack, and indeed, the Sith Mistress was moving away from the Naboo and the starfighters, and back toward the hangar's far wall. But Ashlyn recognized that while it might seem as if she were driving Lena before her, it was the Sith Mistress who was controlling the struggle.

Wheeling and spinning, leaping and somersaulting with astonishing ease, Lena was taking her with her, drawing Ashlyn on to a place of her own choosing. Her agility and dexterity allowed her to keep Ashlyn at bay, constantly attacking while at the same time effectively blunting her counterattacks, relentlessly searching for an opening in her defense.

Ashlyn pressed hard in the beginning, sensing how dangerous her friend had become, wanting to put an end to the combat quickly.

Glossy hair flying out of its tie and behind her, she attacked with ferocity and determination. So she challenged the newborn Sith quickly, and just as quickly she discovered that her best efforts were not good enough to achieve an early resolution. She settled into a pattern then, focusing and working hard against her enemy, waiting for an opening. But the Sith Mistress was too clever to give her one, and so the battle had gone on.

They fought their way out of the main hangar through an entry that led into a power station. Catwalks and overhangs crisscrossed a pit in which a tandem of generators that served the starship complex was housed. The room was cavernous and filled with the noise of heavy machinery. Ambient light filtered away in clouds of steam and layers of shadows. The could-be Jedi and the Sith battled onto one of the catwalks suspended above the generators, and the metal frame rang with the thudding of their boots and the clash of their lightsabers.

Alone in the power station, hidden from the rest of Theed and its occupants, they intensified their struggle.

The Sith leaped from the bridge on which they fought to the one above, face shining with the heat of the battle and her own peculiar joy.

Ashlyn followed.

Down the length of the catwalk they fought, lightsabers flashing, sparks flying from the metal railing of the walk as they smashed against it.

Then Lady Fackel caught Ashlyn off balance and with a powerful kick knocked her completely over the railing before jumping over herself, landing on a catwalk several levels below her.

After coughing out a little blood, Ashlyn stumbled onto her feet. "I really don't want to fight you, Magdalena."

"Well, that's too bad," replied the Sith as she leaped once more to finally land on the same level as her opponent.

Ashlyn groaned. "Come on, Lena, work with me here. Please— you know how this story goes, L. If we don't do something, a lot of people are gonna die. Do you really want to have that in your conscience for the rest of your life?"

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