Chapter Thirteen

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Obi-Wan did not pause to consider what it must have cost her to win her victory over Darth Maul when he saw her hunched over two bodies.

He instantly rushed over, his mind going haywire over the possibility of her having gone through the same fate as their enemy had, but found himself being a tad bit relieved when he saw her wide awake. However, his relief was short lived when he noticed how blank the look in her half-lidded eyes was. His own gaze shifted down, following the arm that hung loosely around the largest figure, and he instantly knelt down at the Jedi Master's side, lifting his head and shoulders and cradling him gently in his arms, Ashlyn's arm caught in between them, though she remained unmoving.

"Master!" he breathed in a whisper.

Qui-Gon's eyes opened, causing the girl's attention to slightly snap back to reality, her glazed over eyes flickering down to the dying man. "Too late, my young Padawan."

"No!" Obi-Wan shook his head violently in denial.

Ashlyn uttered no word.

"Now you must be ready, whether the Council thinks you so or not. You must be the teacher." The strong face of the Jedi Master twisted in pain, but the dark eyes were steady. "Obi-Wan. Promise me you will train the boy."

Obi-Wan nodded instantly, agreeing without thinking, willing to say or do anything that would ease the other's pain, desperate to save him. "Yes, Master."

Qui-Gon's breathing quickened. "He is the chosen one, Obi-Wan. He will bring balance to the Force. Train him well."

His eyes locked on Obi-Wan's for a brief moment before flickering over to the girl, looking her deep in the eyes one last time, the prideful gaze a father would have for a daughter shining in his eyes before they lost focus. His breathing stopped. The strength and the life went out of him.

"Master," Obi-Wan Kenobi repeated softly, still holding him, bringing him closer now, hugging the lifeless body against his chest, and crying softly. "Master."

The Outlander blinked, eyes rapidly shifting between the two motionless figures her arms were wound about before the tears began falling once again, small, barely visible drops.

Three days later, outside the room Obi-Wan found himself nervously pacing around in, Ashlyn Cordell stood outside in the corridor of the Theed temple in which the deaths of heroes were mourned and their lives celebrated. Qui-Gon Jinn's and Magdalena Rosales' bodies lay in state on a bier in the plaza just outside, awaiting cremation. Already the citizenry and officials of the Naboo and the Gungan peoples were gathering to honor the Jedi Master and the outlander who valiantly gave her life to end thus of the Sith.

Much had changed in the lives of those who had fought in the struggle for Naboo sovereignty. With the collapse of the droid army, the Trade Federation's control over Naboo had been broken. All of the ground transports, tanks, STAPs, and weapons and supplies were in the hands of the Republic. Viceroy Nute Gunray, his lieutenant, Rune Haako, and the remainder of the Neimoidian occupation council had been shipped as prisoners to Coruscant to await trial. Senator Palpatine had been elected as supreme chancellor of the Republic, and he had promised swift action in the dispensing of justice to the captives. Queen Amidala had outfoxed the Neimoidians one final time by pretending to surrender so she could gain safe access to the viceroy before he had time to flee. She had communicated to Sabé to break away from the struggle taking place several floors below and to use the service passages to reach the Queen's chambers and then make her appearance before the viceroy. It was a calculated risk, and Sabé might not have been able to get there in time. Had she not, Amidala would have triggered the secret compartment release and fought for her freedom in any case. She was young, but she was not without courage or daring. She had shown intelligence and insight from the beginning of the time the Jedi had come to assist her.

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