Sneak Peak - Within Two Destinies (Star Wars fan fiction - Book One½)

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"Master..." Seanna managed to whisper, her voice coming out hoarse and desperate. Not fully aware of her actions, she blindly groped the air for her hand.

"Hey," her warm fingers intertwined around hers. "Everything's going to be okay. You're going to be fine Seanna, I-I promise." The young woman's voice cracked as her grip on her padawan's hand tightened.

A fearful lump forming in her chest, Seanna forced her eyes open. Ashlyn's burning hazel nut irises watched her with such concern that she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She was hurting her mentor, wasn't she? Why did she always end up hurting the ones that meant everything to her?

"Did I do good?" she chocked out.

The Jedi Master released a strained chuckle that rang with sadness. "Yeah.... yeah, you did."

Seanna attempted to smile although she was sure it came out as a grimace. She didn't want to leave her master. She couldn't. Not now, at least. But, she felt herself slowly slipping away, drifting deeper and deeper into a slumber she had no control over. A slumber she knew would, no doubt, be eternal.

"Master..." she murmured. "Will you promise me something?"

Ashlyn looked at her and blinked, a traitorous tear sliding down her cheek. "Anything," she whispered.

Seanna closed her eyes and focused her mind solely on Ashlyn. The warmth her hand was passing onto hers. The way she was letting her lean against her chest. The softness of her loose shirt. The scent of fabric softener that filled her nose. Her heartbeat. The way her chest rose and fell with each breath. Just... her. The essence of the mother Seanna had never gotten to have.

"Don't let go... okay?"

More tears slid down the Jedi Master's cheek as she shook her head. "Never."

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