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Amaura strained her neck as she quickly dodged the Tyrant's mighty jaw. He missed her by mere centimeters.   As Tyrant pulled back his head to get ready to attack again, Amaura took her chance to strike. Shrieking a battle cry, Amaura summoned ice shards and effortlessly flung them at Tyrunt's vulnerable body. Now it was Tyrunt's turn to dodge. Furious, Tyrant swiped the shards away with a flick of his tail.   Amaura tried dodging Tyrant's jaw, once again, but wasn't so lucky this time.

Amaura felt Tyrant firmly grasp her neck. To her surprise, instead of feeling her neck being torn to pieces, she was flying through the air. In a dull thud, she collapsed against a stray bolder. She stared at Tyrant in surprise for a second, before re-summoning the ice shards again. Just as she was about to through them, she saw something that left her aghast.   A falling boulder, crushing Tyrant. He had saved her.

Amaura froze in shock. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Sure, they hated each other, but Amaura could tell that there was... well... more to their relationship. She felt that spark. It was just hard to believe that Tyrant was actually-

The forever-alone dinosaur's thoughts were cut short when a deep rumbling filled the valley.  Realization hit the poor Amaura too slow.   Within seconds the avalanche of rocks pored down, straight onto her head.

All Amaura could think was, Tyrant was trying to save me... before she gave into the darkness and pain.

Hi! I hope you liked the chapter! Me, Dedenne, wrote this chapter. Sylveon fixed a word, added a comma, and added a sentence. (So she did nothing lol). Slyveon will be writing the next part, so stay tuned!

So Much More Than Fossilized Friends (Tyrunt x Amaura)Where stories live. Discover now