Chapter 1: A New Era

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Several million years later

Amaura slowly opened her eyes and then quickly squeezed them shut at the bright light that filled the room. She was curled into a ball on top of some kind of fluffy ... cushion?

Amaura tried to stand up but barely managed to twitch a claw. A wave of nausea overcame her. She felt paralyzed, and the world was spinning. She didn't want to be in it right then, so she closed her eyes and welcomed the darkness.

* * *

Amaura blinked open her eyes again, and this time she kept them open. The feeling of paralysis was gone, but she felt incredibly numb. She picked up her head. She was stuck in a box with high walls, with some kind of clear lid, and everything was a sterile white. She couldn't see anything besides that and the ceiling, but she could hear something - or someone - rustling next to her. They were making little groans, and they were clearly feeling just as horrible as Amaura. She felt a twinge of sympathy.

* * *

Amaura had no idea how long she had laid there, but at last the numbness was wearing off. During that time, she tried to to think of how she could've possible gotten there.

But, as she dug through her memories, she came to a startling realization. She couldn't remember anything. No family, no friends, no siblings, no home... But, the more she thought about it, she realized that she couldn't be new to this world. She still remembered abstract concepts; she knew what a family and siblings were. But she coudn't think of anything specific ... Why? And where was she?

Amaura decided to postpone these thoughts for later when she heard a strange click, followed by a creature's head appearing above her, blurred through the clear lid.

She was very confused, and now a little scared. She had never seen anything like it before. It didn't have scales or feathers, and the only fur it had was on the top of it's head. Not to mention that it had some weird unnatural white covering over part of it's body.

Amaura heard a growl come from the enclosure next to her and felt a spark of admiration for the pokémon's defiance.

There was another click and the lid of her enclosure popped off. She hurriedly tried to stand up, but she was still too weak and her legs buckled beneath her. As the lid was removed, the strange creature's face came into focus, and Amaura was absolutely sure she had never seen anything like it, despite the fact that she couldn't remember anything else. It had a long, hooked nose, and two clear circles suspended over its eyes. The hair on its head was very messy, and it had a layer of thin hair on its chin.

As Amaura was busy studying its features, the creature raised its forearm. It held some sort of red and white sphere with a button in the middle. The creature pushed the button and Amaura jumped as the sphere grew bigger. The thing leaned forward, and Amaura tried to scoot away, but she hit the wall. She let out a little screech of fright.

Whoever was next to her must have heard her distress, because they growled at the creature. Amaura turned her head as she heard a dull thud, and then a whimper, and she guessed that they had launched themselves into the covering, but had failed to breach it.

Amaura jumped as she felt something cold and hard touch her neck. While she was distracted, the thing must have put the sphere into the box. Amaura felt the button click again and a strange light engulfed her, almost acting as a net. She tried to wiggle out of it, but she was too weak and the net was so strong.

Nooooo! She thought. Noooo ... why me ...

The sphere closed in on her, and the world went black once more.

Credit for writing to Sylveon!
(Kudos to Dedenne for editing and stopping Bob the scientist from dangling into Amaura's pen)

(Very much inside joke)(Guess in comments! Correct answer gets a free drawing of the scenario >:3)

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