Chapter 2: Meeting the Trainers

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Tyrunt's limbs tingled as he drifted into consciousness after being sucked into the sphere. The first thing he saw was the stupid ball they used to contain him. He tried biting it, but the creature yanked it away from his mouth.

Grumpy, he searched the area for anything else he recognized. Nope. Nothing. Nada. Then he heard a familiar whimpering. Tyrunt turned his head to see a sky blue dinosaur. He felt like he knew her from somewhere, but couldn't place his claw on it.

     He started heading over to her, when the creature with the ball tried to pick him up. Of course, he did what a normal Tyrunt would do, so he bit its hand.

     The ugly creature hollered in pain before exclaiming, "No fair! I got a mean one!"

     Another ugly creature approached behind the first and smirked, "Haha! I bet you I got the good one."

     The second ugly creature reached for the other dinosaur. Tyrunt ran over there to help the distressed pokémon, but while he was distracted, the first ugly creature took their chance. Tyrunt felt himself being picked up into the air. As he was struggling he could hear the creature saying, "Hey! That's not fair! You are mine now, you can't leave me for Madison!"

     "Oh, shut up Markus.  He can like me if he wants to," a feminine voice replied. Tyrunt looked over and saw that the blue dinosaur had the same fate as him.  He tried struggling out of Markus' grasp, but ended up being held tighter.

     Another creature, uglier than the first two and the one who first put them in the spheres, approached the less-than-happy group. "Alright, you may leave now, since you have your pokémon. It might take them a while for them to get used to you, but they will.  Thank you for your business, please free to come again," the creature said as it shooed us away.

     Markus sighed in relief. "Finally, I can leave you and this damn place."

     The Madison looked offended and gasped, "Hey! Language! You were no peach either. I so am glad to be rid of you to.  Come on,  Amaura" It said, dropping Amaura, and motioning at her to follow it. Insted,  Amaura froze for a few seconds and then charged at Markus.  Markus' grip loosened on Tyrunt.  Tyrunt took his chance and jumped out of Markus' grasp, using it's face as a launch pad.

Amaura and Tyrunt sprinted into the forest. They heard some shouting, but ignored it. Eventually, the only noise they could hear was their own footsteps and breathing. The rebels took a breathing break when they reached a small clearing.

Tyrunt and Amaura found a smooth rock to sit on. While they were getting comfortable, Tyrunt spoke up, "Thank you for helping me get away from those ugly things."

"No problem.  I heard you trying to help me earlier. I... Felt like I owed you.." Amaura replied, while blushing. They sat in silence for a moment before Amaura added, "They were really ugly though."

Tyrunt laughed at her comment, "Especially the third one. Shesh. What the heck were those things?" Amuara shrugged in response.

They had been chilling on the rock for a while when they heard loud footsteps and shouting. Tyrunt was first to react and shoved Amaura behind a bush, following close behind her. They sat silently as Marcus, Madison, and another creature walked past. Madison was calling for Amaura, while Marcus was trying to pin the blame onto her.  The other creature helped look.

Tyrunt and Amaura couldn't help but feel guilty. They definitely didn't like these creatures, but maybe they were nicer than they appeared.

"Madison, how could you?! We barely had them for a minute!  You're such an idiot!  You should just give me your Amaura. You are obviously irresponsible.  You don't deserve to be a pokémon trainer."

The other creature was was trying to get Markus to stop, but it was too late.  Madison was already sobbing into her palms.

Well, now the guilty pokémon knew that Madison had meant no harm.

While the dinosaurs were focusing on the rude boy, the other creature had snuck up behind them.  The other creature shouted "I found them!" while holding them down.

Tyrunt would have been fine going back, if it was with Madison, but he knew that Markus was his creature. As soon as Tyrunt saw the red-and-white sphere, he froze. He knew what they were doing, and he wasn't going to cooperate.  He did his best resisting the white light.  Tyrunt growled as he felt himself beginning to fade away into the light.  As the last of his strength disappeared he noticed that Amaura had already given in. The very last thing he saw was Madison's teary, but relived face.

I hope you liked the chapter! Me, Dedenne, wrote this lol. Sylveon will write da next part, so be ready for awesomeness! Have a nice day!

(P.S. From Sylveon: I edited a little! I'm not totally useless! >:3)

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