First kiss

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Japan looked over and saw America walking his way. It had been only a few minutes after a world wide meeting and japan relieved to see the heroic type country.

America walked right up to japan and ask out of pure curiosity " so, japan can I call you kiku or, did I say it wrong?"
Japan felt odd haveing America out of all people call him by his name. "Ya, it is kiku, and I don't mind, America-san."

" cool well, you can just call me Alfred."

"o-ok Arfred..."

Japan looked into the Americans blue eyes and gave a smile as he spoke." I was wondering if you had any plans this weekend and if not then maybe you can come over and watch a movie with me. Japan thought about this and realized that he had plans with Italy.

" I wourd ruve too but... I may have plans with Itary."

" oh thats cool dude, ill just watch it on my own!" japan could easily see that even though America said this with a smile he felt just a bit sad so japan decided that canceling plans with Italy and hanging with America was the best choice.

With all this being thought through japan spoke "no!- I mean, prease don't ill watch it with you."

The American smiled his amazing Hollywood smile " really?! Great I have the whole night planed out. We'll have popcorn and scary movies! I even got that anime you told me you liked." Saying this brought a blush to his face, he couldn't help but think of him and japan watching a movie together.

Japan noticed this and blushed a crimson red color too. "Wow! Arr that for me... thank you Amer- arbert-san."

" well then see you there kiku!"

-time skip-

Japan was arriving Americas house when America was in the middle of fixing every thing up inside.(so it would all be perfect) Japan walks up to the door and knocks" A-america-San are u home~" America rushes to the door " Hey Keeks come on in"

"O-ok!" As Japan walked in he was humming a little while looking around. The house looked spotless had had a faint popcorn aroma in the air"I rike your place America-San"

"Thanks I fixed it up just for you!" A faint blush came to Americas face. "O-oh thank you" Japan started to blush, the more he thought about it the deeper the blush became.

DING! " the popcorn is ready" America said t then he rushed over to the microwave. As he was running over he tripped but luckily caught himself. America started to blush with embracement " I meant to do that"

"Haha so cute!~...wait" Japan then realized what he just said "O-oh werr umm" then Japan starts blushing.

America blushes faintly " want some popcorn"

"S-sure!"Japan opens his mouth so America and feed it to him. "There u go" America said as he fed a pice to Japan. A light blush comes on Japan's cheeks."nom~nom~"

They both walked over to the living room and America passed over some movies"so which movie do you want to watch"

"Erm... How about that one" he picked an old movie with vary old writing. " what's that one Ame-i I mean Arfred! I know you know arr ranguages"

"Sure it's a good one, it's a old classic love story. I bet you will like it lets watch."

"Oh ok!" America and Japan both sat down on the couch. Japan scooted closer to America and started to snuggle close to America for warmth. Then America wraps his arm around Japan.

Japan then giggled and blushed when seeing Americas arm around him. "Umm Arfred, can I....say something"

"Sure" America said looking down at Japan.

" I think that I umm"
" did I do something wrong" then America starts lifting arm away.

"No it's- arrg!" Then Japan kisses America lightly on the lips but pulls away quickly and nervously. " umm I'm s-sorry"

" no I fell the same way " then kisses Japan again. Japan smiling into kiss then says" I think I may rove you Arfred.... No I know I rove you"

" I love you to" then he pulls Japan closer.

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