Beach date

901 15 9

Japan and America both planed a fun beach day in Florida state. America rented a room at a motel. And Japan was on his way there. Japan walks up to Americas room and knocks thinking about what might happen today. America runs up to the door and opens it. America was wearing a bathing suit with a American flag design on it and a white t-shirt. "Are you ready for the beach keeks!" America asks. " h-hia!" Japan responds. Japan was wearing a kimono over his swimming trunks with a Japanese flag on the side and white cherry blossoms falling design."think I'm ready"

"Good, go ahead and hope I'm my truck I'll be there in sec I have to grab the beach bag." America says as he runs to go get the the bag. Japan walks to the red truck and gets in, then looks around and sees a picture of him on the dash board. Japan then started to blush. America runs out of the apartment and jumps in his truck and starts the engine." Do you like my ride it's a Toyota Tundra!" America says as he looks at Japan waiting for his response. "Oh werr it's nice" Japan say as he looks out the window trying to hide his blushing face. "It will take about an hour to get to the beach but it's so worth it!" America says as he backs out of his parking spot. Japan then smiles at America and says" I bet!"

30 minutes later

"Dude this is like my favorite song!" America says as he starts singing along. Japan then looks at the radio " Nani is it?"America answers " shake it off, I love Taylor Swiths songs don't tell any one" Japan then makes a zipping motion" I promise" " thanks dude"

Time skip

"We're here!" America practically yells as he pulls into a parking spot. Japan's eyes widen" wow it's very pretty" America then unlocks doors" yeah it's one of the best beaches in America, Miami the water here is nice and clear!" Japan and America both start to get their stuff out.

After America runs out onto the beach with his stuff" this spot seems nice" America says as he places his stuff down and pulls off his shirt then runs into the water. Japan gos the spot where their stuff was and takes off his kimono and follows America till his feet hit the water and smiles. America sees that Japan has stopped and runs up and grab his hands. " am I going to have to take you out there!" America says as he starts pulling Japan out into the water."wai-" Japan shivers as the water hits Japan's stomach level. "Are you cold, here" America then hugs Japan" you warm yet?" America asks." Umm hia" japan says and blushes.

"Good" America says as he lets go then splashes Japan. Japan then splashes America lightly " this is fun" "yeah" America says then hears someone selling ice cream."ICE CREAM! Want some keeks!" America says ultra excited. "I guess so, sounds nice"Japan answers and nods to make sure America understood. "Ok let's go!" America then grabs Japan's hand and pulls him to the ice cream stand.

Japan looks at the choices. " hmm I'rr just have a normat vanirra" " I would like 1 chocolate scoop,1 vanilla scoop, and 1 strawberry scoop!" Japan then looks at America astonished and giggles. America then looks at Japan then the worker and pays and takes the ice cream. " you didn't have to pay!" Japan say then holds out 100 yen " or would yen not work as well as American money." No, no I got it" America says and starts snickering. " yen doesn't work this dose" America then shoves a 10 dollar in Japan's face. After America finished paying he passed Japan his ice cream. "Ohh I get it" Japan says as he nibbles his ice cream.

They both sit on the beach towel to eat their ice cream. America begins to gobble his ice cream down and gets it all over his face. Japan giggles then slowly wipes away the ice cream with his fingers." Their now your arr better"  "thanks dude, hmm looks like you have something on your face let me get it for you" America then kisses Japan. Japan was surprised but soon kisses back. "I think I got it wait no I missed a spot" America kisses Japan again. Japan quietly laughs and pulls away."rets get going...  I want to finish swimming!"   " aww ok" America says as he finishes his ice cream fast."ready!"

Japan finishes the last few bites of his ice cream and walks to the ocean water and slowly steps in.  America runs up and picks up Japan from behind bridle style and runs into the water" your to slow". Japan squeals" w-wait a minute! To fast!"  "Hahaha nothing's to fa-" America then falls from moving in the water to fast and they both go under for a spelt second and now their both sitting in the water."haha you aright" Americas says as he moves his now wet hair out of his face. "H-hia I am ok. Are you "Japan says as he shivers from the sudden impact but soon burst out laughing. Japan then  hugs America tightly." This day courdent get any better"  "I couldn't agree more keeks" America says as he stand back up.

" Ahh the sun feels great" Japan looks up at the sky."your right" Japan says as he stands up and looks up at America. "So what now"." Hmm I kno-OW!" America yells then suddenly falls into the water. "Are you arright, Arfred!" Japan says as runs over to America. America grabs a gooey thing and throws it" stupid jellyfish..." Japan sighs" you scared me!" Japan looks at the jellyfish then America"dose it stirr hurt" America stands up" it just stings but I can handle it because in the hero!" America says as he puts his hands on his hips. Japan smiles and says " yes your are" Japan then hugs America tightly. America raps his arms around Japan. Japan yelps "oh crap you ok!" America says as he lefts his arms away. "Hia it's only a little sunburn I shourd be fine...I think" Japan says as he looks up at America. "Are you sure! Dose it hurt! Curse you sun!" America some what yells being really protective. Japan giggles" werr it dose hurt but onry a bit" " I'll find a way to get revenge because nobody will ever hurt you without getting a butt whooping from me". " arigato Arfred!" Japan say as he laughs" but there's no need to hurt the sun... I'm sure it was an accident". " if you say so" America says as he aggressively stares at the sun the he realizes it the sun and looks away" my eyes curse you sun!!" Japan kisses America while giggling" your vary cute when your mad" America blushes" well your cute when you laugh" America then kisses Japan lightly. Japan blushes dark red and kisses back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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