Mission 375

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Day 1

To: Mark E. Fischbach
From: Brenda Finnegan

New Mission:

Mission 375

Your mission is to sneak into the Batterloid Chemical Plant and shut down the machine of Mr. Felix Kjellberg. This machine is of world destruction and that is exactly what Mr. Kjellberg is planning. World destruction. He plans to kill off all humans on Earth aside from his team of over 1,000. With them, he plans to start a new population of which he will rule over. Unfortunately, the destruction of this machine requires explosives, and many of them. Please get to know the area of the compound and plan your way out whilst you wait for your equipment to arrive. Study and learn everything you can about Mr Kjellberg, his compound, his machine, and his people. Everything you need will arrive in seventy-two hours. No sooner, no later. Good luck Mr. Fischbach.

     Well that's just great. Not even a day off of rest from my last mission and I'm already back to work. I sighed, wondering why I had to grow up in a family of spies. I had the option to leave when I was little, before I knew too much but I was scared. So I stayed with my parents and grew up learning the ways of a spy. Now it was too late to quit; I already knew too much. Oh well, that's my life I guess.

     I decided to track and locate the Batterloid Chemical Plant, as I had nothing better to do at the moment. Once I had found the compound on my device, I grabbed what I would need, including protection in case things were to go wrong. I headed there hoping this mission would be a little dangerous and extraordinary, considering my last three missions had been easy as a breeze. I was ready for a little adventure.

By the time I had arrived at the chemical plant, it was dark. The plant was about three miles from my apartment, which I had to walk the whole way. The giant compound, which I would say probably had at least one thousand square miles of land (the building itself probably took up about half of that space); it was surrounded by a big forest, well hidden from the rest of society. While wandering through the forest, the closer I got to the compound, the more I found random wires and tunnels going up under the ground and after a little bit of digging I found an Underground Railroad. I figured that's probably how some of Mr. Kjellberg's workers got to and from work.

Speaking of workers, they looked more like bodyguards. Wearing all black, probably bullet proof material, belts equipped with loads of weapons, not to mention probably half of the hundred guards wandering outside the compound had menacing looking guard dogs by their side. German Shepherds, Bull mastiffs, Bull Dogs, and what looked like some type of wolf hybrids. Whilst all I had was some puny bombs, a few guns, and some bullet proof boots. This would definitely be a challenge. Yet, one I was willing to accept. I never turned down a challenge. That had always been one of my biggest strengths, but also one of my biggest weaknesses.

     I stealthily made my way around the compound hidden by thick brush and the tree's shelter of the forest. I was searching for some sort of opening or weakness in the building, an easy way for me to get in. So far I was finding none. I came around back to the front of the building finding the spot I was looking for. I guess they thought the last place a spy would try and enter would be the front doors. They had plenty of guards around the rest of the building, on the roof, and even underground. But who was covering the front doors? One measly little guard. No dog, no gun, just a couple of small knives. I hadn't planned to actually get into the compound today but I figured the more I knew about my enemy and his machine, the better so I decided to sneak up closer to get a better look at my first challenge. Once I was able to get a closer look, I saw that he didn't even look like a challenge at all. He was short, not that I can really call him out on that part being short myself, but he was also very small built. He didn't look like he had much strength at all, I could easily beat him.

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