
42 3 0

(Y/N) - Your name

(F/C)- favourite colour

(F/S)- Favourite song

(H/C)-House colour

(L/N) - Last name 

(Y/C/N) - your citys name


(I'll add more if needed) 

Oh. And there will be cusing and other stuff too. XD


You are (Y/N) (L/N). You're 17. You live alone because you killed your parents when you were and you moved to another city after that.  But you didn't live directly in the city. You lived near the forest.


Readers POV: 

I'm almost 13 years old! My birthday is tomorrow...My drunk parents are fighting again. I hated it...They abused me and used me as a slave. But I'm used to it. Oh, and I have to wash there Ferrari tonight, just so I can have dinner. Yes, we're pretty rich but not as rich as Trump or Madonna. I was listening to one of my favourite songs to block out there yelling and throwing.  The song is called Welcome to my life. I listen to it when I'm depressed. Which is always. My best friends Emily (Sorry if that's your name. You can change your friends names if you want) and Hilda always help me out with my chores whenever my parents leave. After about twenty minutes, the shouting stopped. I froze and took my ear buds out. I heard heavy foot steps coming from the stairs. I took a deep breath and walked up to the door, opening it. There, with a whisky jar in his hand and a gun in the other, stood my father and next to him was my mother who had a belt in her hands. I gulped. "What do you want?"I asked trying to sound sweet. My mother whipped my face hard with the belt and my face started bleeding. "I-I mean, what would you like me to do sir?" I asked. He growled, "I want you to *hic* do the laundry and make *hic* dinner. Now! *hic*" He took a swig of the whisky and pointed the gun at my head. He wobbled and swayed, due to drinking to much. "Or else..." I nodded and walked down the stairs to the kitchen and grabbed a pot and some spaghetti noodle. I could hear the talking and mumbling. But I could only make out a few words. Like; 'Vodca','never born', and 'adoption'. I sighed and teared up. I wiped the tears from my eyes because if they saw me cry I would get beaten until I bled or passed out from pain. 

-time skip one hour- 

I just finished washing my parents Ferrari and when I walked in, they litterly threw my food at me and some of it fell on the floor. "Eat your food, mutt!" Your father mumbled. I sat on the ground and ate the small bits of food that was on the floor. "Now go to bed!!!" Your mother shouted. You nodded and ran upstairs to your room. Once you got in your room you locked your door and went to shower. You felt someone watching you. You shrugged while walking into your bathroom, turning the shower onto hot. You took your clothes off while you waited for the shower to get hot. You stepped in. A small shriek escaped your mouth. The water was scorching hot! So you turned it down a little until it was at a perfect temperature. After you bathed you hopped into your black shorts and a black t-shirt and went to bed. After about thirty minutes, your parents turned off all the lights, going to bed. You sighed with relief.  You heard their door shut. You stared at your (random color) ceiling for what seemed like hours before falling asleep.  While you were sleeping someone opened your window and quietly jumped through it, into your room. He pulled out a knife and walked up to your sleeping form. "Go. To sleep." He whispered in your ear, about to stab you. You instantly jump awake and gasp when you see him. Jeff the Killer. His famous smile and mangled hair. And of course, his eyes. "Y-your'e Jeff the-" "Yes. I, am the amazing Jeff the Killer." he said interrupting you. "Wait...why aren't you scared of me?" he asked you. You whimpered and shrugged. "My parents drink and abuse me. My dad threatened to shoot me in the head of I didn't cook him and my mother dinner..." you teared up and tried to blink the tears away. Jeff sat next to you. "Why would they do that to you?" He asked. You were about to answer, but I heard my parents walking a up to my door. You only whimpered. Jeff sighed. "I'm sorry (Y/N)...But I have to go. I'll see you later." Jeff ran and jumped out the window. You pretended to be asleep when your parents unlocked your door and looked at you. "See? She's asleep." Your mother said to your father as she closed the door. Something started bothering you...How did Jeff know your name...? And why didn't he kill you...?

-End of flashback-


Ok, so there's the first chapter? :D how did I do? Plz tell me what you think. And I'm just gonna use third person because it's easier. Ps. I'm sorry that its short. 

P.P.S.  You are all amazing like my waffles! :3

- Toby

Jeff: -_- seriously Toby? 

Toby: *derp face* Yep! 

BEN: Whateves... *does the dabb with Toby*

Toby: Like a boss!

Me: 0.o what the fuck...

Jeff: I hate you all! But i hate Jane more.
Toby: U-um J-Jeff? Isn't Jane p-p-part of a-all of us?

Words: 907 

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