Chapter 1

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The first chapter takes place when you are 6

You walked around the silent house quietly. It was late. Very, late.
Your parents had no clue you were awake. If they knew, your father would start whipping your back with a belt. You didn't want that to happen. You just needed some water. Why? Well...Your father had kicked your stomach and then chocked you. Your throat hurts so much still! But luck decided to NOT be on your side, for when you took your next step down the stairs, it creacked loudly. You winced, lifting you foot. Silence...Thats all there was. 'Maybe they're dead?' You wondered. Tbat thought almost made you giggle. But you knew that if you did giggle or make any news at all, you would be in BIG trouble. You heard some talking comming from upstairs. You gasped mentally. You jump down the last two stairs, thankfully landing on a couch pillow. You heard heavy steps thumping on the stairs. You panicked, eyes wide and tearing up. You ran to the couch pretended to be asleep. You had many years of fake sleeping, so you were an amazing actress. You snored to make it sound more realistic. The footsteps stopped. "Hmm...Stupid cat..." Your father mumbled and went back upstairs. You sighed happily, laughing at your clumsiness in your head. Thankfully your cat had been on the stairs so it sounded like it made the noise. 'thank you...' and you drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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