Chapter 1

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Grab hold of my hand
I feel you understand me
Decide what you want; and then I will make it real indeed
Don't say, time to go ... (No)
I know you, you got some to spare
We've been fighting feelings, when it's obvious that we both care so..

Take me, to the moon
I wanna be, with the stars...
Send me, Send me
Into Orbit
Ohh, Send me, Send me, Into Orbit

Alex Isley- Into Orbit

4 months 5 days 3 hours I been in and out of this hospital. Nothing has changed nothing has worsen, just nothing.

"Come on baby please" I pleaded for the thousandth time, no response just the sounds of his monitor beeping slowly showing he had a steady heart rate.

I remember that fatal night every time I come up in here.


"I love you ma forever" and with that he closed his eyes. Causing the monitor to create a line across it


"HE'S FLAT LINING, WE'RE LOSING HIM" hand me two doses of Fmfedamin.

"PLEASE SAVE HIM SAVE HIM" I screamed grabbing a hold of the EMTs shirt.

"Mame I'm sorry your gonna have to move and let us do our jobs"

I nodded my head vigorously and Destiny comforted me as we both cried in the ambulance. "Ok we have a pulse stabilize him until we get to the hospital" we arrived at the hospital in less then five minutes we all jumped out and they ran inside with him.

I ran side by side with the paramedics until the doctors and nurses grabbed a hold of the gurney.

"Mame your gonna have to stay here"


"Your gonna have to stay here we'll take care of him" I just fell down on the chair and huffed out a breath and bit the bottom of my lip from nervousness. "He's gonna be okay my brothers a fighter I know it" she said rubbing my back.

I smiled at her and put my head back in between my legs shaking it really bad.

The crew came running into the waiting room where we were sitting. "What happened what the doctor say" said a panic Korday. "They just took him in" said Destiny.

Korday nodded his head and sat down on the chairs with Cali plopping down next to him placing her head on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Where is he where's my baby?" asked some caramel skinned women that resembled Destiny screamed walking in with the twins by her side.

"Ma they haven't told us nothing yet" she grabbed on to Korday's arm and cried in his chest "What happened what went wrong? He's not suppose to be here" she fussed.

I just kept my head down knowing I'm the cause of her son being in the hospital. If it wasn't for me coming into his life none of this would've happened. I silently cried to myself with my messy dreads covering my face.


Half an hour passed and nothing or no one walked out. "When was the last time they told you guys something" Ms. Lisa stated getting up to go to the guest counter for the fifth time tonight.

"They said if anything happens they'll let us know Ma you can't keep going up to them people at the counter threatening them" Korday spoke. She shook her head. "If I have to get up one more time about my son map fot guyé tout lopital la (I'm gonna fuck up this entire hospital)"

"Whatever Ma"

"Destiny baby go get me some water from the machine. I need something to calm my nerves" she nodded and headed to the machine.

I was so nervous I kept pacing back and forth in front of the counter. "Baby why don't you sit down you been standing for a while"

"I'm sorry mame I just feel like I'm the reason your sons in the hospital" I say looking down playing with my fingers. She walked up to me placing both of her hands on my arms. "Listen to me there's something I learned a long time ago and that's if something is meant to happen it's gonna happen and there's nothing you could've done to prevent it. So don't you go blaming your pretty little self ok" she said smiling at me and I gave her one back.

"And the name is Ms. Lisa mame is for some old silver haired women" she smiled and gave me a warm hug making me feel a little bit better.

As we were pulling back from each other the doctor came out. "Um family of Dérion Harris?"

"Yes Doc I'm his mother is he alright?" She asked as everyone made a small circle around him.

"We removed both bullets from his chest causing a little internal bleeding but nothing too severe" we all took a deep breath. "However bad news is because of the amount of blood loss he went into a coma we can't say weather he'll come out of it in a week or in a month we'll just have to wait and see"

Ever since then this hospital has been like my second home. Some days I won't move from this chair I have placed near his bedside. I talk to him, read to him, talk about the football and basketball games going on so he knows I'm with him.

He is my everything without him I don't know where I'd be probably still locked in that dark room with Marcus. After the whole incident Destiny filled me in on Marcus's grudge on him and the Feds and the undercover lady it was a lot.

It's so weird how are paths crossed before we even met. My bruises are starting to actually heal and I don't completely look like a pit bull.

I looked at the clock and it was almost 11 pm I pushed my reclining chair back and got on my knees in front of Dérion and prayed a routine I've got accustomed to ever since he's been in here.

After I was finished I held the back of his hand and kissed it letting my lips linger on it. "Goodnight my love" I got up and went back in the chair reclining it all the way back and wrapped the comforter around me letting sleep take over me.

I am backkkkkkkkkkkkk!
Missed me? But sorry for the hold up school and work was such a time consumer no time for nothing. I had to actually fall back in love with the book again but now that i have a path for how i want it to go more updates on the way.

But y'all know the drill,
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