changes and bets

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"Now that everyone has settled down, I suppose- Ah, Mr. Potter," The enthusiastic drawl in Professor Slughorn's tone picked up as he saw a certain raven haired boy clumsily tripping on his feet as he got inside his classroom.

Hogwarts just got back from being repaired due to war casualties and it was finally their first day in commencing with their studies. And of course, Harry Potter being, well— being himself, he was once again late for the first class of his eighth year.

This thought made a particular Slytherin smirk. Just slightly, albeit a curl on his lips was evident. It was very amusing for him to see the Savior of the Wizarding World flushing red while every eyes followed him for making quite an entrance at Potions. With his ruffled nest of a hair and a messy uniform, it seemed that the boy still had a knack for embarrassing himself.

Draco rolled his eyes and turned back to glance at his notes.

"I am glad to have you for the first day of this class. Please take a seat- oh and hurry." Slughorn finished, before continuing with his welcoming speech.

Harry Potter trudged his way to the seat that his friend, Hermione Granger, saved for him while some of the students could not help their sniggers, to top that would be coming from Millicent Bulstrode.

She just could not stop acting spiteful of him, not that anyone bothers with her anymore. But then, Draco thought, that it was now childish to exhibit it publicly. The boy had saved their necks from death after all.

But Draco admits, Yes, he too still has this distaste for Saint Potter, knows that it still lingers within his blood. After years of rivalry and the boy having everything that Draco used to want. He still grimace at the existence of Harry Potter the oh so- Savior of the Wizarding World, the Boy who Lived Twice, the Chosen One, the love of every nitwit, patron of goodness and all that he just wishes that the idiots can just shove up their ass to die.

Potter glared at Bulstrode.

And he also acts like a child. Draco rolled his eyes.

Draco watched as Potter and Granger exchanged whispers, both ending their conversation with a shrug. The witch must have been giving him a mouthful for being late until she sent him an unsatisfied look and dropping whatever they were talking about. He decided that such was not his business and turned back to his parchment once more to take down notes as Slughorn began talking about the Potion's course for the year. The old man mentioned brewing complicated and advanced potions but Draco knows his skill could par with Snape to even be worried.

He was not planning to get back. Not at all. But his mother asked him to, and with his love for his mother— he accepted. His family had enough restrictions on them; his mother being on house arrest and having a tracking spell casted on him which was monitored by the ministry, and so he decided that maybe this could help in redeeming his family name and well finishing his studies was the least that he can do.

And that was what took him back to Slughorn and his babbling about a potion called Amorigo.

"...and for the last ingredient would be 1/8 ounce of flobberworm mucus to give the potion a bit of thickening. Now, for partners. I will be assigning pairs and trios-" Groans erupted from the class, complaining about why the professor has to choose for them. Weasley was slumping on his desk, so to say, while Potter looked like he does not care and would rather sleep then.

"Potter looks rather... worn out." Blaise whispered beside Draco, who had began doodling on his notes.

"I say, he looks like that always." He replied, uninterested on the topic that his friend was suggesting. This earned a quiet chuckle from Blaise Zabini who was then looking incredulously at him— because let us mind that when it comes to Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy was a drama queen.

When Blaise finally looked away from him, only then did he took a glance at the green eyed boy. He looked very exhausted with dark circles under the shadow of his pathetic glasses, Draco noted. His olive skin was lighter and he was more defined. The softness of his face was gone, replaced by sharp features to match his lean stature. His hair, however, still has its nest-like state, though much longer. To say that he's good-looking despite the tiredness that was visible in his body, would be an understatement.

Draco pursed his lips at the thought. He believed he just complimented Potter, and it was an abhorrence.

"You're staring." His friend teased.

"Shut up, Zabini." 

Blaise rolled his eyes.

"You know I wouldn't mind it if you are bent for Potter, Draco. Or if you are bent in general." He suggested. "I'd gladly be your "pretend" lover to make him realize that he's gay too. But I'm pretty sure I have heard that he swings both ways."

This time it was Draco who rolled his eyes, "Seriously, Blaise. Where the hell have you heard that?"

"It is quite a rumour, but of course I know you don't bother spending time listening to them," Draco nodded at him in agreement, murmuring a quite 'exactly', "anyway, Potter has been seen with Elliot Nimblestone from Ravenclaw last night and they're told to be getting cozy with each other – which is funny because Nimblestone is gay, and a hot one at that. And I am sure you know that Potter was a bit involved with Cho Chang and Weasley's sister before every shit happened. Oh – and bets are that he and Cedric Diggory was a thing. Quite a scoop isn't it?"

"Bets are that those rumours are from Pansy."

"Actually it's from the Patil twins and Neville Longbottom."

He raised an eyebrow at him, "Longbottom? That's funny because Longbottom doesn't seem to be the type of person to gossip about Potter."

Blaise shrugged before leaning his back to his seat and rested his feet on top of his desk, "Longbottom doesn't gossip about it – it was more like he was forced to spill it to us in a game with me and the Patil twins."

"Do tell me what are you doing playing with Longbottom and another Gryffindor with a Ravenclaw clone?"

He laughed and sighed as if he was exhausted, "Come on, Draco. Just admit it – don't you at least share the same animosity of wanting to have Potter for yourself? And admit that you're gay?"

"You should learn to shut up, Blaise. I don't care about Potter and I don't - in any way - want him. Done." Draco deadpanned while looking down at his book and read the first instructions about Amorigo. "And I am not gay."

He let out another sigh, getting a glare from the blonde boy sitting beside him before they shifted their focus back on Slughorn, who was sorting the class in partners of three and twos. Granger and Pansy were grouped along with Nott. Greengrass had the misfortune of being paired with Weasley. It was peculiar for Potter and his minions to be separated, not that it was Draco's concern... Unless, old Sluggy grouped him with Potter.

"Five galleons, you'd be with Potter." Blaise whispered, mirroring the horrors in the blonde's head.

"Ten galleons, that it is you." He snipped back. Zabini just gave him a knowing look as they waited for Slughorn to tell their names.

"Mr. Zabini..."

"and Mr. Potter.."

Draco Malfoy smirked looking at Blaise Zabini, holding up his palm. "Well, Zabini?"

"Sod off, Malfoy." He grumbled as he fished out the exact amount of Galleons from his pocket and grudgingly placed it on the awaiting hand.

"Oh- and uh- Mr. Malfoy." Draco looked at Slughorn in disbelief then immediately snapped his eyes to Potter who was glaring at him.

"Well, Malfoy, I think I'll be taking five galleons back." Zabini snickered.

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