cliff-hangers and cynicism

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At half past eleven, Draco was released from the Hospital Wing with an advice to stay vigilant and a bottle of invigoration draught. 

Walking alone in the corridors started giving him the feeling of anxiety. Being through numerous beatings and harassment in just a span of few weeks does so much to a person. This made Draco wonder if Potter had felt the same way back when he was doing the same thing to him. 

But he knew they were different, and it was because Potter fought back. He refused to waver against Draco's taunts and may have roughed him up during several confrontations. To say that he was a strong opponent would be an understatement.

And now, Draco would have done the same. He would have fought back against these brainless ruffians. But it also occurred to him that maybe, just maybe - after being a follower of a madman, this kind of treatment was what he deserved.

Nevertheless, he followed what Madame Pomfrey told him and was very wary of his surroundings as he trudged his way to the dungeons.

Blaise was occupying the whole couch when he entered the Slytherin common room, lying down on it with both hands resting on top of his tum. Draco snickered as he noted his position looking like his best friend was ready to be placed inside a casket. What was lacking was his funeral bouquet , the casket itself, and the crowd of  wailing admirers.

"Who killed you?" Draco scoffed at as he walked close to Blaise's figure before slumping down on the settee close to him.

"Trelawney." He muttered, opening an eye to look at Draco and smirked. "Nice to see you in good health, Draco. I guess it really is hard to get rid of a pest like you."

Draco raised an eyebrow and Blaise did the same, both calculating each other.

A loud laughter erupted from the two boys, earning a few glances from the students who shared the common room with them, before going back to their own businesses when they saw who made the noise.

The laughter died down for a while before it started again, louder this time, until Draco and Blaise found themselves clutching their sides, Blaise finding himself rolling on the floor somehow during the episode. 

"Goodness— I know!" Draco exclaimed, "I can't believe this world still want me living despite seeing enough of my stupidity and unwise decisions. It's ghastly!"

"Well, in that case —" Blaise started, immediately sitting up from his position, "you still haven't done your purpose then? Trelawney— said something about that earlier in Divination."

Draco nodded, egging him to go on - as he have not gone to the blasted class and got no idea what his friend was going on about.

"Know how ghosts can choose whether to stay here with the living instead of crossing? That those who have unfinished businesses tend to stay? Like Bloody Baron and the others - you get what i mean-?" Blaise whispered before his eyes began to look at Draco like how it did when he was turned into a ferret four years ago.

The boy did not talk for a while after his revelation. It made Draco impatient and send a glare at his blasted friend. "Yes Blaise, I get what you mean about the ghost, now what?"

But Blaise did not complete the thought,instead he smirked and then shrugged. Right then, he stood up and hopped his way out of the common room. 

"Well - what about it?" Draco pressed on, yelling after the boy and causing a few glares from the Slytherins who were studying at one of the tables. "Blaise!"

The laughter of Blaise Zabini echoed from the passage, before yelling back a reply of another cryptic - "You'll know soon!"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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