realizations and hello

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Another day passed since Draco woke up and Madam Pomfrey informed him that he would be able to get out of the Hospital Wing the next day. Apparently, she wanted him to rest more to fully heal his broken bones.

The cunts did more damage than he thought, and luckily Potter was there.

But of course, Draco will not admit that to his face.

Letting out a bothered grunt, Draco pulled the hospital blanket over his head. The performance that he had done before passing out kept on disturbing him as he had just tried to recollect his memory of the event. And so are his thoughts. He cannot fathom how he was actually thought that he needed Potter's help at that moment. As if he was desperate. As if Harry Potter was the sole person who can help him.

It ached when he saw the Golden Boy walk away, and Draco was questioning himself 'why'. The disappointment he felt, the panic, and the anguish. Good lord, there is nothing that he cannot understand at all!

Especially in anything that includes Harry Potter.

A whine escaped Draco's lips as he scrambled to sit up, only to fall back down the bed in pain due to his back. "Bloody git!"

"You seem to be enjoying yourself."

His head whipped at the source of the voice and glared at his best friend who was standing at the foot of his bed. "Yeah? Because being in bandages and being in agony is absolutely enjoying."

Blaise let out a snort, seemingly amused as he was smirking. "I heard you were carried by a black-haired handsome prince charming."

"Sure - because Potter is very charming, moreover a prince." Draco scoffed.

"Ooh, so it's Potter?" Blaise teased, skipping to sit at the foot of his fellow Slytherin's bed.

Draco rolled his eyes, noting how his very best friend had called the Chosen One by his first name, "What the hell is wrong with this world and its love for Pothead?" He muttered as he struggled to bring his body to sit properly once more.

"Hey. He's charming alright. And very brave. Like the Gryffindor he is." Blaise smirked as he leaned closer to his friend, teasing him, before leaning back away to see the nauseated expression Draco had formed on his face. "Just admit it, Draco. Harry Potter is actually cute. Plus... his hero complex adds up to the charm that makes him seem like this prince charming from muggle tales. He's ever valiant, but an actual softie to the ones they love. "

By the time Blaise ended his reasoning, Draco looked like he had jumped into the Black Lake with nothing but his pants on a cold winter day. "Can you even hear yourself?"

Zabini sent Draco an unamused face and rolled his eyes, "Yes."

"Are you even Blaise?" He croaked.

"I'm sure you're not blind, mate." The other said monotonously before standing up to pull Draco's blanket and throw it to his face. "You're so lucky Harry was actually kind enough to bring you to the Hospital Wing."

Groaning, Draco pulled the blanket away from his face and glared at his best friend, chucking the blanket back at him. "And my best friend was kind enough to pester me about the bloody "saviour" instead of properly asking if I am alright. God, why is everyone Potty this, Potty that? Am I the only one who's not blinded by Potter?"

"How could you be blinded by Potter, when you're still blinded by your ego, stupid."

"What ego?"

Blaise sighed, "You know, the same dilemma you had starting ages ago. About him not shaking your hand, and because of that you and your little ego decided not to let your fight with Potter die even if he has honestly saved you for a couple of times."

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