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Dan Howell // M O O N

"Did you ever find Phil?" -@Jillybilly366

"Yes and no. Why do you care?"

"How's life goin 4 ya?" -@shhquietimreading

"Decently enough. You?"

"why did u leave?" -@galaxytiger86

"It seemed like the easiest option. God, was I wrong."

"Did you ever find your Sun?" -@-phan-tomhive

"I've already answered this."

"Why was Dan crying early on in the story" -@dancedandance

"Why are you speaking of me in third person? And what story? Who are you, anyway?"

"Im so confused plz explain. Are you killing yourself" -@Sprinkle_Eater

"I'm confused as to why you can't use ending punctuation. (-;"


"Everything. People are living and dying and laughing and crying. The Earth is spinning at an incredibly fast speed and we don't notice it. We're being boxed into conforming to a society we hate. The Patriarchy is thriving and black men are killed for the pigmentation of their skin. Everything is happening. You just don't notice."

"youre ghost i dont remember his name just call him star or Caspar" -@catzilla523

"Improper use of you're. Lack of punctuation. Who's Caspar?"

"Does Phil tøp?" -@colorfulphandom

"I'd thank you kindly not to question my sex life."

"Why did you and your sun break apart" -@hopelessphantrash

"A simple lack of faith, trust, and pixie dust."


Phil Lester // S U N


"I'm not entirely sure. Wait, is your display picture of me?"

"r u real" -@catzilla523

"Of course I am. Are you?"

"Do you tøp?" -@colorfulphandom

"I'm not sure what you mean."

"Why were you crying? And are you even real?" -@AngleBean

"I don't recall crying. But don't worry, I'm okay!"

"Do you think Dan's good for you?" -@shhquietimreading

"I think that everything requires balance; an equal amount of dark and light. So I think he may be a toxin sometimes, but in the long run my immune system is strengthened. I hope that made sense."

"how u holding up? need a hug? *hugs u*" -@galaxytiger86

"I'm okay! Healing takes time, but time is most definitely on my side at the moment. Thanks for the hug! :-]"

"How do you feel about DONAL TRUMP" -@swiftlyup

"I'm not sure who that is. But he doesn't sound very nice."


Peter Rose // A U T H O R

"Your writing really poetic" -@Sprinkle_Eater

"Thank you so much !"

"Also love the name bro" -@phandom111

"Thanks bro I picked it out myself"


"Refer back to Dan's answer. (i'm sorry that he's so rude in all of his answers. he means well, he really does.)"

"what made you come up with this story idea?" -@colorfulphandom

"I'm very much interested in the idea of opposites attracting. And I really love space and the idea of the Moon and the Sun being personified. Finally, I just really love D and P."

"Why you so cute?" -@AngleBean

"Why you so nice?"

"Do you want to go to the mall with dadsepticeye and dadiplier?" -ej-the-gay

"Drink bleach."

"if you were to have any animal at your side for the rest of your life, which animal would you choose?" -@PanicAtEverywhere

"My dog or a pegasus."

"How are you so talented? Why do you want to destroy our souls?" -@SarcasmQueen_

"I'd like to start by thanking you! While I don't beleive my talent even so much as matches that of some of my friends, (hint: im talking abt astronauthowell in particular) I got to where I am through practice. I've been on Watty for 2 years, and writing for even longer. Practice makes improvement! And as for destroying  your souls, it usually isn't intentional."

"How're you so amazing wth" -@danisnotaunicorn

"Not sure. Genes?"

"WHY IS YOUR WRITING SO AMAZING?" -@nineintheafternoon_

"Thank you! I don't believe it to be as amazing as you seem to believe it is, but its all practice."

"is the ending gonna be happy¿" -@phandomwrites

"Oh what, the ending to the sequel?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "

"Why'd you do this to me? No, but srsly, why? JK U ARE AWESOME ALSO Are you Satan?" -@shhquietimreading

"That was an emotional rollercoaster, but no, I am not Satan. I am the most holy."

"do u like writing the story? btw its really good." -@galaxytiger86

"Of course! eclipse is my pride and joy and I don't think i'll ever stop falling in love with it."

"Can you marry me k thx" -@swiftlyup

"Nah sorry. I'm in a full time relationship with Patty Walters."


And that's a wrap! Thank you for all of your questions, I hope Dan, Phil, and I were able to answer them adequately. I do apologize for any kind of rudeness or mean misunderstandings that may occur. And stay tuned for news on a possible sequel/prequel.

With Love,
Peter 🚀

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