The Flash 1x04: Going Rogue

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'Checkmate.' ~Dr.Wells
'Wait, Checkmate?' ~Barry
'Checkmate.' ~Dr. Wells


'For the record, I crushed it on Operation and Ping Pong.'


'Leonard Snart.' ~Joe
'Leonard? That's almost as bad as Bartholomew.' ~Barry


'Snart's dad is in prison, too? We should start a club.'


'Hi! Felicity Smoak.' ~Felicity
'Iris West.' ~Iris
'Barry Allen. *Both look at him; realizes what he said* But you both already knew that.' ~Barry


'I wanna see it. *Barry gives weirded out look* And by it, I mean your speed, in case you thought I was talking about something else, which I was, which I was not.' ~Felicity


'I'm really good at keeping secrets.' ~Felicity
'Felicity works with the Arrow!' ~Barry
'Sweet!' ~Cisco
'And you, apparently, are not! *Barry gives apologetic look*' ~Felicity


'Trust us, Felicity, he is in very good hands here.' ~Dr. Wells
'Want to see how fast I can run backwards? *Starts to run backwards; flings off treadmill*' ~Barry


'Hey, you two.' ~Iris
'Hey.' ~Felicity
'*Hesitant* We're not a two.' ~Barry


'Please welcome E=MC Hammer.' ~Host
'No, you see, I did it because E=MC squared is Einstein's formula for kinetic energy, right? And, you know? *Starts dancing* Can't touch this!' ~Barry
'That's great, Barry.' ~Eddie


'*Notices Iris staring at him* What?' ~Barry
'*Hits Barry* Dude!' ~Iris
'Dude?' ~Barry


'Someone spotted Snart. I gotta go.' ~Eddie
'*Both run outside* I'll cover for you.' ~Felicity
'All right, what are you gonna say?' ~Barry
'I usually tell people Oliver's at a night club with a girl or nursing a hangover.' ~Felicity
'None of which will work for me.' ~Barry
'Bad stomach ache. Really bad diarrhea.' ~Felicity
'Yeah, I'm not comfortable with that excuse.' ~Barry


'Taking the train is still one of the safest ways to travel.' ~Barry
'I thought that was airplanes.' ~Felicity
'Mm...' ~Barry

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