The Flash 1x08: Flash vs Arrow

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'Meantime, any idea what could've caused such mass - this?' ~Joe
'A neurotoxin, maybe. I'll swab some surfaces, see what I can find, but I think maybe they got whammied.' ~Barry


'So after weeks of my trying to convince you that The Flash is real, now that you finally do believe me, you're trying to have him arrested? What the hell?' ~Iris
'Thanks, Barry.' ~Eddie
'*Not looking sorry at all* Sorry.' ~Barry


'Barry, you need to get to S.T.A.R. Labs.' ~Joe
'Yeah, I will. After I eat.' ~Barry
*Looks around; sees Captain Singh's burger; super speeds and takes the burger; Singh throws paper towel on desk in disappointment*


'Hey, if you guys figure it out, just give me a call, okay?' ~Barry
'Is The Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris?' ~Caitlin
'No. *Caitlin gives suspicious look* Yeah.' ~Barry


'Flash. Be great to call you by your real name.' ~Iris
'You mean like Ralph?' ~Flash
'Is your name Ralph?' ~Iris
'What did you want to see me about?' ~Flash
'My boyfriend, he's-' ~Iris
'Did you guys break up?' ~Flash
'No.' ~Iris
'*Embarrassed* Oh.' ~Flash


'*Arrives with super speed* By the way, I gave Oliver, like, a 1/2 hour head start.'


'Working a case. Suspicious homicide in the styling where the murder weapon is a boomerang.' ~Felicity
'*Examines boomerang* Cool! *Oliver glares* I mean, awful.' ~Barry


'Uh, well, since you guys are here, why don't we team up? I'll help you find your boomerang man, you can help me - find my super rage-a-holic.'


'*Barry and Felicity arrive the labs* Oh!' ~Felicity
'So what'd you think?' ~Barry
'I think *Shirt fires up* My shirt's on fire!' ~Felicity
'*Starts to pat the shirt; quickly removes his hands from 'the parts'* Oh, I'm sorry! *Felicity takes off shirt; covers herself with her purse* ~Barry
'*Cisco and Caitlin walk in* I'm glad I decided not to go braless.' ~Felicity
'*Awkward* You guys remember Felicity?' ~Barry


'What brings you back to Central City? Not Barry?' ~Caitlin
'No, not Barry. This? *Gestures them two* Not happening. We looked down that road and we said no, thank you.' ~Felicity
'*Annoyed* They get it.' ~Barry


'*Barry walks in room with only Joe and Dr. Wells*
Why do I feel like I just got called into the principal's office?'


'The bad guy that you're after, the one who robbed the bank, his name is Roy G. Bivolo.' ~Oliver
'Uh, thanks. How did you find that out? *Oliver looks at him nervously* The guy's still alive, right? *Oliver then glares* I'm just asking.' ~Barry


'*Iris starts hitting Barry* Ow... What are you doing?' ~Barry
'You did not tell me that you knew Oliver Queen!' ~Iris
'*Trying to be a smart-ass* I know Oliver Queen.' ~Barry
'Oh, my God, he's even more handsome in person. And his arms are, like, twice the size of yours.' ~Iris
'*Jealous* Technically, they're not twice the size.' ~Barry


'Hey.' ~Barry
'You're late. Barry, how can you have super-speed - and still not be on time?' ~Oliver
'Sorry, I guess the super-tardiness kinda neutralizes it.' ~Barry


'We're here to train.' ~Oliver
'What? Like Rocky?' ~Barry


'*Oliver picks up bow and arrow* What is that for?' ~Barry
'You're going to run over there, you're going to come back at me, and you're going to get hit with an arrow.' ~Oliver
'*Laughs* No, I'm not.' ~Barry
'*Fake laughs* Yes, you are.' ~Oliver
'Okay, fine, I will humor you. *Super-speeds to a hill* Ready?!' ~Barry
'Ready. *Shoots arrow; Barry catches it*' ~Oliver
'Nice try. *Gets shot from behind* Gah! Ah! What, you shot me?'' ~Barry
'I heard you heal fast. *Pulls arrows from Barry's back*' ~Oliver
'Oh, God!' ~Barry


'*Referring to Oliver* He's a crazy man.' ~Joe
'Look, I don't actually disagree with you at the moment.' ~Barry


'Barry, you okay?' ~Oliver
'Oh, this is going to be a special kind of hangover.' ~Barry


'There's one more thing. And you're not going to like it.' ~Oliver
'Does it involve you shooting me in the back?' ~Barry

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