Chapter 4: The Journey Begins.

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"Now calm down Phoenix. You saw a dragon in a dream. It's not like it was something to write about." Jay had his hand on my new red diamond arm. The hoses and wires were still there but they were neatly tucked around steel cylinders which were encased in red diamond as well. I pull my arm away. "What's wrong P?"

I stare at my arm, small squeaks coming from my mouth instead of words. Jay went for my arm again but I cowered away from him. He was about to ask why again when I finally found my voice. "I can feel your hand. I felt you hand on my arm." His expression was as stunned as my body. It was a shock for the both of us.

The metal worker comes into the room, "I see you discovered the reason why I never use blood diamonds." I was breathing heavy with panic and fear. The man however just continued to speak. "It reacts to people differently. Especially fire sorcerers. I had someone be able to amplify their power, someone claimed to be able to see the future. And others like yourself regained feeling in their limb. You should be happy, you have feeling in an item that is stronger than any steel. I wish I was that lucky."

I stare at the man, his face darkening to show he had experience with this. "Did you try to make yourself a hand out of blood diamonds?" 

He nodded, his eyes seeming to tear up a little bit. "I was one of the ones who could see the future. The humans used me as a test subject and the power caused me to go insane." He clenched his fist, the metal groaning as his skin began to glow. "I saw every bit of my life flash before my eyes before I could even blink. I saw myself dying in one of those freezers. But then you two came and got me out of there."

A flash comes across my eyes, the man was the last sorcerer we helped. We pried open the door to his freezer and undid all of his bounds, as soon as he was free he ripped his hand off of his arm. The red hand was put on display somewhere but I can't remember where. "I remember that."

"How could you forget?" He was really confused but then it hit him. "They wiped your memory too. You must have more power than they could control."

I clench my new hand the feeling was gritty, like a rough stone. "I guess, but that means they know." Jay nods, he knows what I am about to say. "We need to get started on our journey Jay."

He stands up and holds his hand out for me. "I couldn't agree more. Where do you want to go first?"

I place my new hand in his and move myself off the table. "Let's head north. I want to get the cold over with." Jay nodded and we started to leave. I stop in front of the iron worker and give him a hug. "Thank you for the arm and the leg. I just hope I can repay you."

"You already have. You saved my life and I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life." He returns the hug with a stronger one. He leans down and whispers in my ear. "If you're ever in trouble, you find me. I will help in any way possible."

"Thank you. I might have to take you up on that offer." He lets go of me and I jog after Jay. He was waiting for me by Mr. Lynn's shack. We don't enter though, instead we go to a shack on the outskirts of the town, and I remember it vaguely. It was where Jay and I lived, we decided that it would be better if we stuck together. Well we were right to do so. We enter the home of our childhood and start packing clothes that were probably too small but we didn't care. I changed my charred clothes for a t-shirt that had too many wholes to count, and pants that went to my calves.

Jay handed me a pair of shoes. "Here these don't fit me anymore, why don't you try them." I put them on my feet and they seem to fit me fine, a little big but that didn't matter right now. I see Jay find an old map. He holds it up and smiles at me. "This could be important." I let out a small laugh as I toss him an old canteen. 

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