Chapter 5: Island Of Ice

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Some time during the night I must have fallen asleep, and the dream came back. Only this time there was more to it. I was outside the throne room with Jay. He gave me a nod as I took a deep breath and entered the throne room. I clench my fist and hear metal scrape against metal. I look and see black steel instead of the red diamond, the same design just different material. Although I felt stronger and like I didn't need the claws after all. However I turn my attention to the throne which now sat empty. I turn around in the throne room, there was nothing there.

I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as a low growl resonates through the large room. My eyes dart all around as I see a large mass move behind a gold statue. The growl grows louder as the statue begins to move toward the throne. With a loud crash the throne is crushed by a gold statue of a dragon. And in the statue's place was the red dragon from before. Its teeth tipped with gold and eyes the color of the sun. I feel my throat tighten up with fear as it rears its head to let out one loud roar. I don't move as the roar echoes in my ears, I felt stronger than ever with it there. I begin to storm towards it as it lowers its head. "I'm not afraid of you." The dragon growls once again, but this time it wasn't as horrifying. "I am here for one reason. And it has been a rough road and I am so done with this. No more growling. No more roars."

The dragon seemed to chuckle. It opened its mouth but instead of a roar, laughter came instead, deep and powerful. "You are a feisty one aren't you? Tell me what is your name, so I can know the name of the one who claims to be the successor to my power."

I get into a ready position, the scales on my rib cage sending a warm feeling through my body. "My name is Phoenix." I crack the knuckles of my good hand, and face the dragon. "And I am the successor to your power." 

The dragon just smirks, its whiskers dancing playfully across the sides of its face. "We will just see about that."

"Bring it you overgrown lizard." We charge at each other and the dream ends.

I wake up to Jay shaking my shoulders gently, "P, come on we're here." I let out a huge yawn and stretch out my arms, that was the best sleep I had ever taken. You know, that I can remember. Jay smiles and begins to chuckle. "You must of had a bad dream or something. You kept tossing and turning."

"A bad dream doesn't begin to describe it. But enough about that, let's see what we're in for." Jay nods as I get up out of my seat. We carefully walk past the man in the winter coat from yesterday, but he still sees us. However he doesn't say a word, the only thing he did was glare at us from the corner of his eye. We run off the boat and into a large crowd of people, looking at the map once again.

"I was talking to a few of the people on board. They helped me narrow it down to the three most norther islands." He pointed at the map and smiled at me. "If we can get a boat I can have us there in a day at the least."

I point at the map myself. "That's if we can get across the mainland in a reasonable amount of time." He waved his hand in the air, pushing the situation away. 

One of the people stopped and turned toward us. "Are you going to the northern islands?" His voice sounded surprised. We nod and he puts a hand over his mouth. "I'm afraid you're too late. The pack ice has settled in and no boat can get through. You would have to go by foot and even then it's treacherous."

Jay's smile fell as the old man told us this. I however need some questions answered. "Is it a straight shot if we use the pack ice to the three northern islands."

"Oh yes. But it is a long road. About two weeks time at a good pace."

I look around and see some mules tied up at a nearby shop. "Can we take a mule or something?"

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