Chapter Three

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Sunkit didn't enjoy the healing herbs on her shoulder, but Poolstep said it would be much worse if the herbs weren't on there.

Of course, Poolstep asked how it happened. Sunkit said she didn't know, but of course she knew. It was from training with Stormcloud the night before. But she promised Stormcloud she wouldn't tell any cat about their secret meetings.

It was almost time to go to sleep. "Kits, settle down. It's almost time to go to sleep, but let me tell you a story." Hazelmoon flicked her tail.

"Once, many many moons ago, there was a cat named Storm. She was in a vicious rogue group, called BloodClan." Hazelmoon showed her teeth.

"When she was a kit, she was bullied by all of her older Clanmates. But then there was another kit born, who was also bullied. His name was Tiny." Her eyes widened.

"Tiny was being teased for being, well, tiny. Storm got teased for her huge paws. See, Storm was small, and her paws were so large, she always stumbled and tripped.

"See, Tiny and Storm still got bullied even when they grew up. They were mad at the BloodClan cats, and they left to become rogues. Tiny was renamed Scourge. Then Scourge and Storm became mates, and eventually, Storm was bearing Scourge's kits."

"Storm had three kits, but two of them were born dead." Hazelmoon winced as the kits frowned. "But like Storm, her only living kit was gray, and they named her Cinders. Cinders grew up, and went to have a mate and kits of her own. One of her kits was named Sol. After Cinders had her kits, and Scourge was dead, she went to join a Clan and was called Stormcloud."

Sunkit yelped in alarm.

"It's okay, she's not alive."

"I'm sure you've heard the story of the battle between BloodClan and LionClan from the elders. I shall now let you rest, my darlings."

But Sunkit was already asleep, and the other kits soon fell asleep as well.

* * *

"Sunkit, get over here!" Stormcloud growled.

"I'm coming!" Sunkit wailed. Her leg was gushing out blood.

Stormcloud grinned. "I'd like you to meet Darkstripe. He was one of the best warriors of ThunderClan and ShadowClan."

"ThunderClan?" Sunkit blinked and winced at the pain coming from her leg.

"There is another four Clans, ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, and ShadowClan. They are far far away from your Clan," Darkstripe boomed.

Sunkit let out a whimper from the pain.

"Warriors should suffer silently, kit," Darkstripe growled.

"I'm sorry... but it hurts."

Darkstripe picked Sunkit up by the scruff and threw her against a tree and whispered something in Stormcloud's ear.

"How does that hurt?"

Sunkit groaned.

"That's enough training for tonight." Stormcloud said.

I feel like I'm going to die... Sunkit eyed Darkstripe.

"Here, Sunkit. This is going to hurt, but you'll feel better afterwards." Stormcloud raised her paw, and one of her claws were glowing. Then she sank it in Sunkit's neck.

Sunkit felt a surge of darkness and pain through her. This lasted for quite a while. Afterwards, some of her wounds had disappeared, but some still remained. "Um...thanks?"

"Sure. Now, it's almost sun-rise. Almost time to wake up." Stormcloud then put her paw on Sunkit's forehead, and then Stormcloud and Darkstripe were swept away.

Once she woke, Sunkit was in the medicine cats' den. Poolstep and Berrypaw were crouching beside her.

"How in the name of StarClan did I get here?"

A Curse's Start: A Warriors Fanfiction, Book One of Element ClansWhere stories live. Discover now