Chapter 1

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          "I love the sport, all the action." Luke begins. "There's nothing like the rush of getting on the mound and hearing the same words over and over, 'Strike, Strike two, Strike three. Oouutt.' I can remember one thing from when I was just a boy. I was only about nine I think and I was playing for a North Smithfield Little Leauge team . We had lost every game of the season and that was the night of our last regular season game. We were playing my naighbor Jamison's team. He was the best Lttle Leaugue baseball player in the town. Anyway we had lost every game but this one game was different. We won after seven long and painful innings. Jamison hit a grand slam but we still won 11 to 8. I will never forget that day, how could I. I was the youngest majors player in North Smithfield, and that day was when I relized I could have a career in my hobby." Luke stepped off the stage he has been the star pitcher and player for the Rhode Island Red Bulls team and the major league team has a really close eye on him, or I guess had a really close eye on him because the night Luke gave that speech he got a very important call from some very important people.

           The Red Bulls major league team who had just had a devastating loss in the World Series are holding pitcher and catcher tryouts and he was invited to come. Luke imediatly ran to the person he loved and could trust the most, his fiancé Meghan. "I did it! I got a tryout spot!" he whispered then connected his lips with hers. Meghan pulled back ad hugged him. Luke felt like he was in a perfect spot.

          Doing something that required him to never actually work a day in his life and being able to spend every non working day with Meghan, his soon to be wife. Some day they would have kids, and Luke Robichaud would be the headline all over the world.

          "Hey meg, you want to go home? This is a lot to take in all in one night. We should just go relax." Luke was right this is a lot to take in. He has been dreaming of this moment ever since the day he found out that he was the youngest player to make a little league majors team. Luke has been a great player all his life and at this tryout will be his chance to prove that to the world.

          "Sure, but I need to take my car so I'll meet you there. And by the way I am so happy for you, Luke. You deserve this. It's about time too." Meghan leaned up to kiss Luke then turned around and left to go get her car. Luke followed close behind to get to his car.

          "Meg, wait up." She stopped and turned around. "Just wondering, do you want me to stop for take out? We sort of skipped dinner in there.

          "Of coarse I do." I guess Luke forgot who he was asking.

          "The what do you want?" Luke asked.

          "The usual, of coarse." Meghan said refering to her favorite pizza place. It's called, Pizzaria That Serves Pizza. It's a pretty stupid name but Luke's parents own it and they serve the best pizza around. Meghan and Luke have it about every other day of the week.

          "I figured," Luke responded, to then turn around and jog to his car.

          Meg got in her car and drove off to Luke's mini apartment, but then in the blink of an eye she tured her head and saw a bright red car coming right for her. There was nothing she could do. The car hit her with so much force the hood crumpled up hitting the glass that shatered into a million little pieces piercing Meghan's skin. All at the same time the tired skid across the highway. Soon the tires led up and and the car began to roll, the
air bag still not poping out, Meghan's head crashed into the steering wheel over and over. She smelt burning rubber, heard her car rolling, tasted and felt blood all over her body, she saw black then bright white. Meg's body was telling her to let go and stop fighting but her heart was telling her to hold on for Luke. Luke needed her and she knew that, but it was to much to handle all at once.

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