Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

          Now in the hospital Jessica is finally able to get some answers about Meghan, with, now fine, Luke and Richard. Luke was banging his fists into the wall until they begin to bleed. Then Richard pulled him away and forced him into an uncomfortable hospital chair.

          "Luke it'll be okay. You'll be fine." Jess said in an attempt to calm him down a little, but it didn't work to well, "Yeah I'll be okay." Luke began. "Sure no freakin biggie it's just my fiancé that died and my freak, and my baseball career was just about to take off too!"

          "You don't know that for shore though," Richard tried this time.

          "Yes I do. I got offered a tryout for the Red Bulls Major League team. And I probably would have gotten the spot too. What else would I want to tell both of you, Dad? I'm... I was already engaged."

          "Wow. That's amazing Luke. Why didn't you tell us at the pizza shop?" Jessica asked in amazement.

          "Because it was sort of a big deal and I wanted to tell you in the right way, like over a nice dinner or something."

          "Excuse me." Some doctor said.

          "Yes." Jessica signaled the doctor to continue.

          "I'm here about Meghan Haller. Is there any immediate family here?"

          "I'm her fiancé. Her parents were on the first flight out of Hawaii." Luke finished as he was thinking that they picked a great week to go on vacation.

          "Okay Sir. Can I talk to you privately over here?"

          "Yeah" Luke said.

          "Okay so Meghan isn't dead. She was but the paramedics were able to revive her. Sorry about the miscommunication on the phone call you received.

          "So can I see her?" Luke asked beginning to get his hopes up.

          "You can, but her face is a little different and she is in a comma. And I am sorry to say that she will most likely not make it through the night and if she does she won't make it much longer after that unless of some kind of miracle."

          "I don't care what she looks like. I don't care if she will only be alive for a little longer. The only thing I care about is being able to see her right now, when she is alive."

          "That's not it though there is more you need to know before you go in that room." The doctor said with this look on his face that he has probably made millions of times before.

          "Okay, just please make it quick so that I can see Meghan." he said with a frustrated tone knowing all at the same time he was angry at himself and sad that all this happened. Luke was barely holding back all his tears, at this point he only let a couple slip out. Luke blames this on himself because he was the one who wanted to leave that party early. he wanted to go get pizza and leave Meghan alone. Even though he loves her, Luke will probably blame himself for what happened the rest of his life.

          "No this isn't something you should hear like this. Can we please step into my office for a few minutes to talk?" Luke was starting to get worried but he didn't show it on his face. All you could see was a guy with a straight face trying as hard as he could to hold back all of his emotions but he was about to explode and what he is about to hear will make definitely about to happen.

          "Fine, can we please just hurry this up." Luke said filled with rage.

          Luke followed the doctor out of the waiting room and into a brightly lit hallway. On the way to the office they only passed a few nurses. Luke saw one nurse that looked like Megan from the back. Her perfect curly, dirty blond hair that Luke would miss seeing every night before he he goes to bed and every morning when he wakes up. Luke would miss seeing her eyes filled with happiness and her laugh, her loving laugh. But out of everything Luke would miss seeing her smile every day. Megan had a perfect smile. She never stopped smiling. She always looked at the bright side of things, no matter what.

          Luke completely lost his concentration when he almost walked into a wall. "Luke," the doctor said right before he had a chance to hit it.

          "What," Luke snapped back.

          "Sorry I just thought.." the doctor started before Luke took over.

          "I don't really care." Luke responded then entered the office where he would here something that would permanently change his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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