Two Bodies, One Love

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Where am I?: In the toasty living room blazing off sweet candles with delicious chocolate cake and champagne (apple cider for me) while watching a shitty movie... Quite sweaty with hints of cologne... Butt naked next to Yuichiro on the comfy rug that we happened to have quite the time on...

Yeah. It was like a sexual picnic. Cake is the best...

But the point of this page...

Not only is this journal dedicated to Yuichiro, but it also educates him on some things I just can't speak. This is one of those topics.


If I've learned one thing about it, it is that there is far more to it than just an orgasm. Also, won't this saying be quite familiar?:

There is a difference between SEX and MAKING LOVE.

Although to shorten up some time and space I "gotta" say sex, but Yuu and I both know "damn well" that we make love every time like it's our first time. Sensual, sweet, completely sexy no matter the pace.

Brought to you by "quotes" for dialect I have adopted from Yuu. Straight from the suburbs.

Of course, though, I need to establish the things I can't say...

I know I do not need one... But I always feel like I require a condom. There's always that occasional sticky thought of how many people have illicitly... Which word do I use here...

Hurt me. And... Although Yuu will be my sexual partner for as long as I am going to live, therefor a clear sign of no need for that kind of thing... I always feel guilty.

Uh oh, negative emotion alert. Nurse Yuu weeded this out of me and gave me a loving lecture about how there is not an ounce of guilt I need to feel. I've already done my tests as well as him and we're clear for unprotected sex...

The thoughts begin to fade whenever Yuu tells me how pristine I appear or how "well kept" I am down there. It's kind of funny honestly. Or whenever I see the lack of condom boxes in the house. Only lube. It's refreshing.

Another thing.

Masturbation. Now, Yuu has already taught me to overcome how I felt about it and I'm far beyond it. That was back in the days where I still worked for the devil. I still give into it on nights where he works late or simply isn't up for it (which is extremely rare because I could simply walk into the room in nothing but stockings and he'd be dropping his pants and pickup lines. Which I don't understand. Yuu. We're practically married. Yes. I'm yours already. You don't need them. Just ask).

The issue I have is actually achieving what I want. And Yuu walking in on me struggling.

Dear Yuu,
Please stop waltzing in on me failing to make myself cum. No, I don't need your help. I mean, yes, I do, but I can't let you know that.

Sincerely, the landlord of your booty supply.

Now, it doesn't seem that difficult for a male but for me, it beyond is. It isn't just a quick session of just "getting off" for me. It's too many memories and volatile thoughts of anyone else having sex with me beside Yuu.

Unless I know Yuu is physically there, I simply do not enjoy it. The hard truth simply is molestation earnestly screwed me up there.

But I get the occasional good luck on an attempt or two and Yuu floods my mind in reward and it's just amazing.

I should stop here considering Yuu has to reread.

But I will have my ethereal, handsome, emerald-eyed, funny, delicious, warm, cute, and amazing husband know this:

I love you's aren't enough.

You make making love for me out of this world... From your gentleness, neck kisses, giggles we can share, cuddles, French kisses, those little tugs on my hair, digging your fingertips into my skin and moaning my name ever so raspy and low... You make me crave round two's... Your voice is like liquid gold, and your lips are so soft and hair so silky and eyes that entrance me... You smell wonderful, so sexy and alluring, and feeling you do such incredible things to my body all in between "I love you's" and pleads of my name and pleasuring me in every room of the house until I cry your name... It's. Godly.

I'm looking at you right now as I write this. Are you really even enjoying what's on the television right now? You look cute when you chew... Your butt looks so plump... God, after this, we're going again.

This is getting personal, but it's truthful... Doing lewd things that are still just so pleasurable and excellent... Feeling you inside of me and watching your expressions and hearing your voice... I love every piece of it. I really, really do... You know what I mean by I love "tasting" you... You sound incredibly sexy and cute trying to control yourself... And then those sounds you make when I'm all yours and right at the will of your fingertips... I love clenching the sheets, begging for you and letting you know you're doing amazing and just a million other factors. I can't even explain how in love I am with being so comfortable letting you explore every ounce of my body and making every inch of me feel good. Pun intended.

Just know you do me justice. Our sessions are like champagne kisses.



I regret writing this. However, Yuu is well educated now and I am pretty sure he is about to make the living love out of me one of these nights.
Mmm, champagne...

For Yuu (Memoir to "Doll")Where stories live. Discover now