unexpected chapter-1

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Chapter 1- what are little sisters for?

Sky's pov

How did I end up here? I thought I did so well but I guess it doesn't matter. All the things I did, all the people I lost and had to push away- the outcome is the same- I'm still here just like they warned me I would be.

And honestly,

I couldn't be more surprised.


"Sky!"Sebastian laughs swinging me around his blue eyes twinkiling with mischief as I laugh with him getting dizzy.

"seb put me down!"I demand breathlessly, kicking my legs

He laughs again, giving me a quick peck on the lips and setting me back on my feet but keeping a hold of my waist as I sway lightly, dizzy from the spinning.

"Hey!get a room love birds!"my best friend Livy says walking into the room with my twin brother jace.

Live has long curly brown hair with deep brown almost black eyes and long dark lashes I've always been envious over.

While my twinsy jace has sweeping black hair and sparkling green eyes just like me, that we inherited from our mother.

My eyes travel down their bodies and stop..

I notice they are holding hands and I raise an eyebrow in question. liv looks down and my twin blushes, I shrug knowing ill get all the juicy deets later.

Cuz' honestly it's about time my brother manned up and finally told her about his feelings like geeze and HE always brags about being two minutes older hah!

"Let's go" I say holding Sebastian's hand and heading to his black and red Lamborghini, jace and liv following after us.

"Hey sis" jace calls out to me"what movie we watchin?"

I grin evilly knowing he's going to HATE my answer...and that livs gonna say it with me..

Jace slowly backs up shaking his head eyes wide in horroer" no oh no sky we are not-."

" insidious!" Me and Livy shout jumping and high fiving..he hates scary movies and its me and livs sole purpose in life to annoy him.

I mean hey!

What are little sisters for???

We get in the car laughing as jace meekly and reluctantly follows suit climbing into the back seat.

Seb laughs and pulls out of the driveway. As jace put his head in his hands and lets out a loud groan.

(end of flashback)


.please keep reading! I promise its not like other stories





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