unexpected-chapter 2

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Chapter 2-the unheeded warning

Sky's pov

I smile to myself remembering how cute my boyfriends laugh was.

How funny my twin could be, and how my bestie was always there for me.

Then I stop smiling and remember how everything went downhill so quickly I couldn't even blink.


It's was halfway through the movie and I got up to get some popcorn giving seb a kiss on the way out

As I was heading back a huge tub of salted buttery popcorn in my hands my cell rings and I pick up without looking at the caller ID


Deep breathing


More deep breathing and then

"Drop your friends,dump your boyfriend .get away from your brother"

I'm quiet then"what??!!?who is this??"

"Do as I say or they won't live to see the next day"

By now I'm biting my lip and breathing heavly.

"Who is this!!? Your so sick is this your idea of a prank??"

"You've been warned." the deep voice says

And then leaves me staring at my phone, eyes wide as all that fills the silences in the air is the beeping of a call dropped..

(End of flashback)






Keep reading!

I wonder what that weird phone call was about....hmmmm


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