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Chapter 6-where I put rumours to rest

Sky's pov

So now that's where I am standing infront of the hooded man a gun pointed right at me

I close my eyes and the gun goes off

You know how they say that when your about to die you see a bright light guiding you to the other side?


You know how they say that dying doesn't hurt...it's actually peaceful?

totally a flipping lie

What about the saying that your life flashes before your eyes?

Actually....that one's true...

But not from the beginning...I remember when I was younger and my mother kissed away my tears from when jace shoved me down on the playground...

Or when I was getting to the age of guys noticing me and realizing that I don't have cooties...

Or how jace my super silly overprotective big twin brother by two minutes who never let me forget it punched Ryan my first everything when I found him with kassy .livys cousins

And livy...poor livy...how she helped me through everything like the breakups...always bringing badass scarry movies to distract me from the heart break..and of course my fave chocolate ice cream...death by chocolate

And Sebastian...oh I could never forget the love of my life...

My better half...

My soulmate

Me and sebs first date...

Are first kiss...

The first time "I love you" left our lips

The first time we made love...

The last time we kissed....

All those memories happy and sad...raced through my head...

The hooded man kicks me making me come back to reality and the pain engulfing my body as I clutch my belly and feel my blood red and warm spreading around me pooling under me and painting my clothes with a new deadly design

the man kneels down and lowers his face so I can see him

Startling green eyes...so much like mine and jaces...but his hair is ash blonde unlike my red hair and jaces black...but he has the same nose ...he look so familiar...like...wait the picture my mom showed me! The one with dad .mom. jace me and...

"ash" I whisper painfully biting my lip...it can't be him! They said he died!!

he smiles down at me cruelly not realizing the inner fight I am having with my conscious"goodbye darling triplet of mine he whispers back and puts the gun to my head

I close my eyes letting fate take its place

Remember how I said the rumour about dieing being peaceful was a lie?

Well ill let you decide when the time comes but...

Well...for me....

I never even felt the bullet as it tore through my skull and brain making

everything explode into peaceful nothingless


sooo what y'all think?



message me!


should I add more or keep it as it is?Or should I just add another book and make this a series?

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