Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuun

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Halia's P.O.V
Everyday I go to McDicks to use their wifi because I'm cheap af and can't get my own I notice a worker there he takes my order sometimes and I
find him to be attractive I just have a fetish for guys that are less than half my height when he goes on his break I try and flirt with him but he hasn't gotten the hint yet he usually just looks at me like what is wrong with you but I think it's cute
Jomar's P.O.V
I hate my job at McDicks I hate everything about it from sweeping the floors to working the drive through its living hell and my boss won't even raise my pay to $15 an hour ya I failed at life and barely do anything but I deserve to earn the same amount of money as someone who went to college and got a job and tried and were successful at life because I'm smart and I've had a rough life even though I had nice things and could come home to two loving parents I got bullied and no one will ever understand how bad it made me feel it made my life so rough and for someone reason people thought I deserved it I hate my job so much but there is one decent thing about it there's this girl who comes here everyday and always talks to me she's very strange but she is blonde and I have a fetish for blondes she might not naturally be blonde but it still works
"Hey Jomar" Samantha said to try and be nice to him since he has no friends
Why do my coworkers always try and talk to me they're not good enough to do that
"Hey" I said
"Do you want to come to a Halloween party?" Samantha says instantly regretting it but she's still is smiling to be polite
"I can't I'm a Jehovah witness" why doesn't she know this she should be knowing everything about me I'm important
"Oh ya I forgot Jehovah witnesses don't celebrate Halloween cuz they can't handle the competition" Samantha says
Wow she's so rude I can't believe she would say something like that to me she shouldn't even be associating with me
Hailia's P.O.V
His shift is almost over nows my chance to talk to him
"Hey are you wifi cuz I'm feeling a connection" that's so gonna get him to love me if it doesn't idk what will
"Are you fucking stupid I'm clearly not wifi"
TO BE CONTINUED ............

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