Tweety bird

71 4 1

Jomar's P.O.V
Why would this girl ask me this who does she think she is to talk to me I am superior she is a peasant she needs to sit down and stay in her place she runs away crying what a pussy she shouldn't have even walked up to me who does she think she is I am fed up I was starting to like this hoe too but not anymore why would a girl think she could just come up and flirt with me unless she's going to flirt with me from the kitchen while she makes a sandwich she should stay in her place I'm just so fed up with humanity at this point
Halia's P.O.V
One bird two birds three birds oh look now they're all DEAD just like my soul I'll just break them apart and crush them in the blender watching the wings and bones get morphed together along with the blood and guts it's just so satisfying to watch something else suffer as well I'm trying to find the creamy smooth white substance that comes the nipples of cows to add to my mixture but it seems there is no more if I go to the store to buy some then I can look for more birds on the way but my birds will start to get gross if I leave them sitting in the blender for too long what to do what to do oh what to do water could be a good substitute for nipple juice but not just any water the tears from my HEARTBREAKING into sixty nine pieces NO sixty nine million pieces I find it to be so much more satisfying if I skin the birds first but I love hearing their little cries for help when I start blending them alive cause no one can save you or cares enough to I feel the creamy texture go down my throat like his semen would have if he didn't REJECT ME as I swallow my mixture of birds and eyeball juices I feel little bones go down my throat it's just so satisfying knowing that this creature also felt pain like I did the little talons scraping my throat as I chug the whole thing I'm such a failure I didn't even blend it all together well enough I'm fighting the urge to just purge because all I wanna do is feel the process of getting it down my throat again but this time it's going up but I must not do it this time I need to keep it in my system to feel as though jomar is inside me I mean he is basically a bird he's little and annoying af I'm so in love I need to drown my sorrows in psl (pumpkin spice latte get with the program)
~ time skip I am God ~
I look so hot in my gravity falls costume I'm gonna get laid tonight when I walk by a bunch of guys I'll get stabbed by their boners because I look really hot
Jomar's P.O.V
I like to spend my free time knocking on people's doors until they open it I don't know what I'm supposed to do after they open the door because it has never happened before

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