Chapter four

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Well... I over slept and I missed half my shift at the library. I already took off a day and now I miss? My boss will not believe me if I even told her why I missed... She would laugh in my face and think I was full of shit.

I really don't blame her because this is kinda hard to believe myself. I've been awake for a couple of minutes and it's already one o'clock in the afternoon. My shift started at eight in the morning. I kinda figured it was bound to happen anyways.

I sit up in bed and stretch my arms and let out a gigantic yawn. Justin was already out of bed. He was rummaging through his closet for an outfit to wear for the day.

He stood in the door way in his calvins. They were white with a red band around the top. His ass looked damn good in them.

"You need some help?" I approached as I rested my shoulder on the side of the closet.

Justin turned around holding clothes on hangers in his hands.

"An opinion could help." He responded as he went through small amounts of his clothes at once.

I step in front of him and chew on my lip to see what I thought would look good.

"Before I choose, what do you have planned for the day?"

Justin stood directly behind me and I could almost feel his chest against my back.

I turn around facing him noticing how close we were.  We were literally almost crotch to crotch well... In this case since he is taller than me crotch to stomach. Sorry... I made it awkward.

I look up into his brown eyes and get lost in them.

"Well, I was going to see what you had planned and maybe we could actually hang out." He said looking down at me.

"Well, I missed work today so I'm not sure now."

Justin's eyes widened.

"Fuck, that's right. You had work this morning. Your alarm went off and I turned it off so it wouldn't wake you..." I shake my head at his words and gave him a smile since it was a sweet gesture.

"It's alright. I got to sleep in. I haven't gotten to do that in a while."

I continued to go through his clothes to find something for him to wear. As I was doing so Justin said "That shirt looks good on you."

I hid my smile and red cheeks. "It probably looks better on you, it's like a dress on me." I laughed.

"You can have it if you want it. I have plenty of shirts like that."

Whoa. Now he is giving me his stuff like... What is he up to. I just met the guy and he is already giving me shit.

"Justin, you just met me, why would you give me your shirt?" I asked curiously.

Justin licked his lips and stood in the mirror that stood in front of him.

"Because I want you to have it. I don't just give out my clothes to just anyone. I have to at least like you." My heart literally melted.

"So you like me?" I fold my arms along my chest and wait for his answer.

"Yeah, you're really fun to hang out with and I like to surround myself with positive people and you are one of them now."

Am I dreaming? *pinch* OW... nope.

"Well... I appreciate it" I responded.

"And could you please hurry up with the outfit Chris, I'm getting cold." Justin said holding his arms.

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